Outdoor gear company Gregory began designing backpacks in 1977 and has been a longtime innovator of trekking gear. These new packs are tailored for the backcountry, with no sacrifices made to comfort or durability and weighing in at just over two pounds.
Both versions, including the Optic for men and the Octal for women, boast standard Gregory functionality and fit. They feature the company’s new Aerospan suspension system, which is an ultralight upgrade to the VaporSpan system featured on the Salvo and Sula daypacks. In addition to lightweight breakthroughs, the Optic and Octal have been optimally designed to manage moisture and ensure the utmost breathability.
Gregory proves once again that superior comfort does not have to cost a fortune. These packs feature a lightweight aluminum tubular frame that provides excellent load distribution. The company uses body-mapping technology to highlight pressure points and eliminate rubbing in high friction areas without adding unnecessary padding.
The Optic and the Octal are constructed of 100-denier nylon with 210-denier at the base for added tenacity where it’s needed most. Built-in storage features include a stretch-mesh pocket on the front of the pack for stowing frequently used items, side mesh pockets for storing water bottles, and a sunglass holder.
In addition, the backpacks are designed with an internal hydration sleeve and port made to accommodate different hydration systems, an integrated rain cover, and a second ultralight cover. For those looking to shed every gram, the lid and rain cover are removable, allowing you to instead use the ultralight cover for weather protection.
The men’s Optic is available in 48L and 58L capacities in the colors lava grey and beacon blue, weighing in at 2.45 and 2.5 pounds, respectively. The women’s Octal will be offered in 45L and 55L capacities in the colors frost grey and monarch blue, weighing in, respectively, at 2.3 and 2.4 pounds. All volumes come in two different back lengths.
The packs will cost $190 for the smaller version and $210 for the bigger version.