During an episode of his late-night talk show Jimmy Kimmel Live, Kimmel introduced Perfect Stranger Things as a “spinoff series” based on Stranger Things that unites the kids from Hawkins, Indiana, with one of the ’80s television’s most popular odd-couple duos: Perfect Strangers characters Larry Appleton and Balki Bartokomous.
The skit brought back original Perfect Strangers stars Mark Linn-Baker and Bronson Pinchot as Larry and Balki, respectively, and had them welcoming in a new roommate going by the name of Dem O’Gorgon — “Is he Irish?” asks Larry.
The pair then meet one of the terrifying “Demogorgon” creatures that tormented Hawkins, and a montage ensues featuring some of the wild hijinks the trio gets involved with — including a scene with the Demogorgon eating their cat, another scene in which Balki questions which roommate left a pile of slime on his toothbrush, and even a quick trip to the Upside Down dimension for Larry and Balki.
The young cast of Stranger Things — minus Millie Bobby Brown’s character, Eleven — eventually makes an appearance in the show as a quartet of trick-or-treating kids, and more zany antics occur, concluding with Dem O’Gorgon dragging Will Byers (Noah Schnapp) away once again.
“Not again,” laments Will.
Much to the nostalgic amusement of anyone who recalls Perfect Strangers, the skit ends with Larry and Balki doing the “dance of joy” with their new pal.
Kimmel also included another tease after the credits rolled on his Perfect Stranger Things mash-up. The faux sitcom ad is followed by a brief promotional clip for Fuller House of Cards featuring Full House star Bob Saget being shoved in front of a train by a mysterious stranger.
There is no official word yet on when we will get the next season of Stranger Things, but if you’ve watched the first two seasons too many times already, Kimmel’s skit is certainly a nice way to add some new Stranger Things material into your media diet.