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Here are the 10 worst passwords of 2019, and a few tips on creating better ones

It’s understandable why many of us would want to create a simple password. They’re easy to remember and with so many online accounts that require passwords, the temptation to create an easy-to-guess password or to reuse passwords across accounts is high. The problem with doing so, however, lies in the fact that if your passwords are easy for you to guess, chances are it’ll be easy to guess for hackers as well, which can leave your personal data vulnerable to being stolen.

But despite this risk, many people still opt to use some truly terrible, easy-to-hack passwords. In fact, it’s so common, cybersecurity software company SplashData, just released its list of the top 100 worst passwords of 2019. And this year’s list features mostly unsurprising password trends, such as the use of repeating or sequential numbers, pop culture references, or first names. But there were still a few interesting password choices, including quite a few food-related passwords like cheese which ranked at No. 70. A few other notable passwords included “donald,” “starwars,” dragon, and “liverpool.” Those passwords ranked at Nos. 34, 79, 23, and 31, respectively.

But the top 10 worst passwords of 2019 are truly awful — mostly because they’re some of the easiest ones to guess. And since so many people currently use these passwords (or have at some point in the last year), we think it’s important to show you these passwords and give you a few tips on how to create and manage better passwords for 2020.

Here are the top 10 worst passwords of 2019, according to SplashData:

  1. 123123
  2. 111111
  3. iloveyou
  4. 12345
  5. 12345678
  6. 1234567
  7. password
  8. qwerty
  9. 123456789
  10. 123456

Looking at these passwords, it’s obvious why they’re terrible: None of them require very much thought or effort to guess. Half of them are just slight variations of the same password, 12345. And “iloveyou,” while cute, is still an all-too-common phrase. If you’re guilty of using these passwords or ones like it, you should consider changing them. Here are a few tips to help create better, more secure passwords:

  1. Don’t reuse your passwords across your online accounts. It’s important to try to use a different password for each account if possible. When you use the same password across the board, a hacker who gains access to one account can get access to the rest of your accounts.
  2. According to cybersecurity company Webroot, strong passwords tend to be longer, contain upper and lower case letters, and include numbers and symbols. These passwords don’t contain references to your personal information or dictionary words.
  3. Use a password manager. If you can’t remember a variety of passwords that contain random strings of numbers and letters, a good password manager can help you with that. Some of them will even generate secure passwords for you. Not sure which password manager service is right for you? Check out our list of the best password managers of 2019.
Anita George
Anita has been a technology reporter since 2013 and currently writes for the Computing section at Digital Trends. She began…
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How to remove your login password from Windows 10
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Passwords are a great way to secure your personal information or any other documents and files you'd rather keep away from prying eyes. But if you find that entering in a password every time you want to use your Windows 10 computer is tiresome, or you're having trouble remembering your computer's password and would just rather be automatically logged in, you do have the option to remove your login password from Windows 10.

A word of caution, however: If you have personal information (such as sensitive information regarding your finances) stored on your computer, we strongly recommend that you do not remove your computer's password. Should your computer become lost or get stolen, enabling a strong computer password can offer great protection from identity thieves who would love to get their hands on your personal, sensitive documents. Plus, a computer password can also afford you a bit of privacy from others should you happen to leave your computer unattended for a few minutes or hours but don't want your friends, family, or others to see all of your documents and files while you're away from your computer. In most cases, we recommend that you always keep your computer's login password enabled as a layer of protection from harmless nosy people and not-so-harmless identity thieves.

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