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All the social distancing hashtags you need to know

People are stuck inside thanks to shutdowns to stop the coronavirus — and they’re turning to social media to vent.

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You have probably seen a ton of new hashtags since the lockdown began in earnest in mid-March. We’ve broken down what the most popular hashtags mean so you can be clued in about the new social slang while you’re social distancing.


Probably the most popular coronavirus-related hashtag on the internet right now, this hashtag urges people to stay at home. By staying home, fewer people are out and about, so the virus is less likely to spread. This especially helps those who are more at risk to get seriously ill from the deadly disease. The hashtag crops up mostly on Twitter and Instagram, and Instagram even has a “stay home” sticker to add to your stories. 

There are so many of you out there sacrificing your own well-being to help others. I want to thank you personally and encourage everyone reading this to do the same. -M #StayHome

— Morgan Freeman (@morgan_freeman) March 31, 2020


This YouTube PSA campaign encourages people to stay home to save lives. Popular YouTubers and celebrities including Jessie J., Hailee Steinfeld, Phil DeFranco, Emma Chamberlain are asking their subscribers to stay at home “#withme.” 

The main PSA directs viewers to coronavirus information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 


This hashtag is a play on “Netflix and chill,” but instead of insinuating a more risque activity, you’re really just relaxing — probably watching hours worth of Tiger King on Netflix.


Instagram users are using this hashtag to post a silly or embarrassing photo of themselves on their page for 24 hours. It’s become a type of internet challenge, with anyone who likes the picture before it is deleted dared to post their own “until tomorrow” photo. 


This hashtag has been recently trending on Twitter. 

People use the hashtag to give reasons for why they are “doing fine” during the quarantine. Whether it’s because they are stocked up on toilet paper, because of furry pets surrounding them, or because they are naturally introverts anyways, the hashtag is a funny reminder to be grateful for what is still going OK in our lives right now.


The Safe Hands campaign, which is backed by the World Health Organization (WHO), promotes the power of washing your hands to fight the coronavirus. The hashtag seeks to raise awareness on how to perform proper hand hygiene, whether it’s with soap and water or hand sanitizer.


You’ve most likely heard the term by now, but “flatten the curve” explains how and why social distancing works. Basically, if we all commit to reducing our interactions with other people, the number of coronavirus cases will plateau over a longer period of time rather than rapidly increase, making it less strenuous on our healthcare system. 

The term itself comes from a popular chart that compares what would happen if we stayed inside against what would happen if we didn’t. Most are using the hashtag to encourage others to stay inside and protect others.

One thing everyone can do, though, is their part to help #flattenthecurve. If we slow the rate of new infections, then fewer people will end up in the hospital at any given time – which means we may not have to decide who gets a ventilator. (19/19)

— Dr. Sanjay Gupta (@drsanjaygupta) March 26, 2020


The hashtag that’s recently trending across Twitter asks people to describe their pandemic experience in five words. The more creative you can get with it, the better.

#PandemicIn5Words it is Groundhog Day again

— Ashley Peterson (@Ashley81105672) April 8, 2020


This hashtag prompts whoever is tagged to do 10 push-ups. You then have to tag other people to complete 10 push-ups as well. (This has become one hashtag many people dread seeing). 


This hashtag challenge doesn’t require any upper body strength, but rather, a just cute photo of your dog. After all, what’s a better way to forget about the worries of the world than looking at adorable puppers?


— Sloane Kettering (@momhugstree) March 23, 2020


As yet another challenge pops up on social media to help combat all our quarantine boredom, this hashtag asks you to post the very first photo taken of you and your significant other. The hashtag isn’t just for those in a relationship, either.


— Kayla Schorr (@kayla_schorr) April 7, 2020

Allison Matyus
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Allison Matyus is a general news reporter at Digital Trends. She covers any and all tech news, including issues around social…
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