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Trine 2 Trailer Debuts

The original Trine was a side-scrolling platformer with a puzzle element that put you in the role of three characters fighting an undead army in a ruined kingdom.  It became an instant success, and a sequel is now officially on the way.

Following the death of the king- who died without naming an heir- an attack has forced the people of the kingdom to flee. Three people- a thief, a knight, and a wizard- meet by chance at a magical location in the abandoned kingdom, called the Astral Academy. The three meet in the treasure chamber of the Academy and all touch an artifact called the Trine at the same time, which fuses their souls, and allows them to have only one physical presence at a time that they can switch between at will.

In other words, the Trine becomes a gameplay mechanic that allows players to switch skill types at while. The original was originally released on the PC on July 3, 2009, then on the PlayStation Network on October 22, 2009 in North America. An Xbox Live version is currently being developed, but for fans looking for more Trine, a sequel is underway. No word yet on the release date, but check out the trailer below, and expect to hear more on this sequel when more info is released.

Ryan Fleming
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Ryan Fleming is the Gaming and Cinema Editor for Digital Trends. He joined the DT staff in 2009 after spending time covering…
How to beat the Nightweaver in Remnant 2
A gunslinger shooting a glowing wraith.

Remnant 2 has a smorgasbord of unique and punishing boss encounters to push through if you want to see everything in its Soulslike world, but few are as frenetic and occasionally jarring as the Nightweaver. The showdown against this nightmarish foe caps off a long and unsettling trek through Losomn's creepy Sanatorium. If you've come across her and find yourself struggling with her rapid movement and constant barrage of attacks, we'll offer some tips here that might help you make it through the fight alive.
How to beat the Nightweaver in Remnant 2
The Nightweaver is located in Losomn within The Tormented Asylum. She's one of Remnant 2's most challenging bosses due to how fast and erratically she moves around the battlefield. It doesn't help that she has multiple phases throughout different areas of the Sanatorium, eventually making for a very claustrophobic fight once you reach the interior.

At the beginning of the fight, you'll be outside the Sanatorium facing down the Nightweaver as she flies around in various directions, which can make her difficult to hit. During this first phase, the biggest things to look out for are her Spectral Lunge and Icy Spikes attacks. The former is telegraphed by her ascending into the air and beginning to dive, at which point she'll begin swiping viciously in your direction until she reaches you – but careful timing can help you dodge right through her attack to survive the onslaught. The latter is a ranged homing attack, meaning you'll have to either strafe left or right to avoid them or dive out of their way.

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Remnant 2: How to cross the floating pillars in The Lament
Floating pillars in The Lament

If you work your way through the various maps throughout Remnant 2's biome of Yaesha, you may stumble upon an area called The Lament. There are a few different puzzles on this map, but perhaps the most head-scratching one is located in its depths where you'll encounter a selection of floating pillars. If there doesn't appear to be a solution in sight, don't worry – we'll fill you in on the tricks to solving this mystery.
How to cross the floating pillars in The Lament
The floating pillars in the Lament can be crossed via invisible walkways, but before you can discern which ones possess these paths, you'll first need to look at the symbols on top of them. There are three different symbols, but only one will provide safe passage. To find out which one, you'll need to do one of two things.

The official method would be to return to the beginning of the map and find the symbol, which is extremely easy to miss. Make your way to the very start of the gauntlet where you must evade the darts being fired at you. Turn on your flashlight and look up above the first crawlspace to spot the symbol.

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How to beat Mother Mind in Remnant 2
Three characters shoot at a boss in Remnant 2.

Remnant 2 comes with a pretty substantial number of bosses to take on across its various biomes, and some playthroughs will yield different encounters than others. So if you come across The Nameless Nest in Yaesha during your travels, you'll soon find yourself facing off against an optional boss named Mother Mind. This huge creature looks pretty scary, and if you're not sure how to handle the fight, it can put an end to the battle quite quickly by making you fall to your death. However, we'll share with you some tips for taking on Mother Mind and making the most of its big, ugly weak spot so you can drop this monster and get on with your business.
How to beat Mother Mind
Mother Mind is a mix between a standard DPS-driven boss battle and a mechanics-based encounter, meaning you'll need to dish out plenty of damage while also watching out for the enemy's special move that can send you spiraling down to an instant death. Because of this, be sure you're prepared to stay mobile and understand how to sprint and jump before entering the door to the creature, as you're going to be doing a lot of both.

The boss battle against Mother Mind takes place in a large, circular arena with a total of four stone platforms. You'll walk through the door facing the boss, and you can instantly begin firing at the cross-shaped weak spot on his face, getting in as much damage as possible right off the rip. If you have the Hot Shot weapon mod (or any mod that will grant additional damage per bullet), the beginning of this fight is a great time to pop it and move things along.

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