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Rumor: Twitter to launch photo-sharing service

twitter Twitter is about to unveil its own photo-sharing service, according to a TechCrunch report. Citing “multiple sources,” the report says the service could be up and running as early as Tuesday.

Since TechCrunch published its claim, All Things D has reported that an announcement will be made by Twitter at the D9 conference (organized, incidentally, by All Things D) in Rancho Palos Verdes, California, with Twitter CEO Dick Costolo lined-up to speak on Wednesday.

At the moment, when Twitter users want to attach photos to their tweets, they turn to third-party services such as TwitPic and yfrog. Links to images appear in the tweets, and presumably Twitter’s own service would work in much the same way. As pointed out by All Things D, the likes of TwitPic and yfrog make money through ads displayed on the same page as the image. Up to now Twitter has been pretty good at not making money, and so this could be one way to bring in some cash. Last month there was talk of the company adding branded pages to its site as a way of creating a revenue stream.

The launch of a photo-sharing service would also be another signal of Twitter’s intent to take control of its ecosystem. In March, the company announced that app developers who create new Twitter clients that replicate Twitter functionality would be wasting their time – though this evidently didn’t stop everyone.

Last week Twitter announced on its blog that it had acquired desktop client TweetDeck for a sum thought to be in the region of $40 million. “This acquisition is an important step forward for us,” the post said. “TweetDeck provides brands, publishers, marketers and others with a powerful platform to track all the real-time conversations they care about. In order to support this important constituency, we will continue to invest in the TweetDeck that users know and love.”

As for the photo-sharing service – it looks like we’ll be hearing something about it in the next day or two.

Trevor Mogg
Contributing Editor
Not so many moons ago, Trevor moved from one tea-loving island nation that drives on the left (Britain) to another (Japan)…
Forget Twitter — this social media app has ChatGPT built-in
Koo app store listing

Koo, a social media app developed in India that pushes itself as a Twitter replacement, is deploying ChatGPT smarts to prop its appeal. The company says Koo is the “first microblogging platform in the world” to integrate ChatGPT to boost the creative flow. Koo follows in the footsteps of Snapchat in deploying ChatGPT for some cutting-edge AI bragging rights.
At the moment, the ChatGPT integration is only available to creators with a sizeable following or those with a verified badge. However, it will soon be available for everyone without any follower count restriction. So far, the company hasn’t said anything about charging users for the feature, or whether it might be moved to a premium tier in the near future, considering the fact that OpenAI’s viral tool is embracing the API route for commercial usage.

Aside from text prompts, Koo users can also use the voice dictation feature to interact with the AI. The draft section of Koo app will let users accomplish tasks like “finding the top news of the day or asking for a quote from a well-known personality or even asking for the post or a blog to be written.” The latter is worrisome, which I’ve briefly discussed below. There's also some precedent for that out there with apps like Paragraph AI doing everything from generating content in various styles to taking over even your messaging app conversations.
Koo is pushing itself as a Twitter alternative and says it has accumulated over 50 million downloads ... but hasn’t disclosed the number of users. However, it looks like the Koo is trying to boost its appeal by recruiting the hottest new tool on the internet, one that will also be immensely convenient to churn out human-like thoughtful content in bulk — which is again the easy route to grabbing more eyeballs.

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It’s not just you – Twitter is down for users around the world
A stylized composite of the Twitter logo.

[Update: Twitter appears to be functioning normally again after an outage that lasted around two hours.]

Twitter has gone down for users around the world, according to internet tracking company Downdetector.

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Twitter expands tweet character limit massively
A lot of white Twitter logos against a blue background.

If you often find that 280 characters are too few for you to be able to effectively express yourself on Twitter, then perhaps 4,000 characters will suffice.

Beginning on Wednesday, Twitter now lets you post tweets with a maximum of 4,000 characters, 28.6 times more than the mere 140 characters available when Twitter launched in 2006, and 14.3 times more than the current limit of 280.

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