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NASA’s October skywatching tips include ‘evenings with giants’

What's Up: October 2022 Skywatching Tips from NASA

With October just starting, NASA has served up its monthly list of tips on what to look out for in the sky over the coming weeks.

First up is “evenings with giants,” featuring none other than Jupiter and Saturn. The two enormous planets will be visible to the naked eye throughout October. In fact, you may have already seen them.

NASA notes that you can spot Jupiter — the brighter of the two planets — to the southeast, moving slowly westward with the stars as the night goes on.

“They form a triangle with bright star Fomalhaut,” the space agency explained on its website. “When observing this trio, note how the planets shine with a steady light, while the star twinkles. This can be an easy way to know if what you’re looking at is a planet or a star.”

The position of Jupiter, Saturn, and Fomalhaut in October 2022.

Next up, Mars. The red planet has been appearing to head in an easterly direction all year — relative to the background stars — but at the end of this month, it will hit reverse gear and appear to begin heading in the opposite direction. Track it until late January and once again, it will seem to switch direction, heading east again.

In NASA’s video (top), you can learn more about this so-called “retrograde motion” of Mars, which occurs about once every couple of years. It’s actually something of an illusion that NASA says was once a source of intense curiosity for astronomers at a time when its movement wasn’t fully understood.

Finally, October (and November) is a great opportunity to view the Orionid meteor shower, which peaks on the night of October 20.

NASA describes it as “a moderate shower, usually producing 10-20 meteors per hour at its peak, under clear, dark skies.”

“The shower’s name comes from the fact that you can trace the paths of its meteors back to an area on the sky near Orion,” the space agency said, adding that the meteors in this particular shower are fragments of dust left over from Comet Halley, which was last seen in Earth’s skies in 1986.

According to NASA, Orionid meteors are often bright and fast moving and can leave long trails that glow for several seconds as they streak through the sky.

No special equipment is needed to observe meteor showers. For a full guide on how to observe the Orionids, Digital Trends has you covered.

Trevor Mogg
Contributing Editor
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Venus, Jupiter, and Ceres feature in NASA’s skywatching tips for March
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NASA has just shared its monthly skywatching tips for March, helping us to better understand exactly what we’re looking at when we gaze upward toward a sea of celestial bodies -- provided it isn’t cloudy, that is.
Venus and Jupiter
At the start of this month, Venus and Jupiter appear close together in the night sky, and you can spot both with the naked eye. But as the days go by, the distance between the two planets will open up, with Venus climbing higher and Jupiter gradually heading in the opposite direction.

Jupiter will drop to such an extent that it’ll vanish from sight in the coming weeks. But in May it will return -- in the pre-dawn sky -- along with Saturn.
Moon and Venus
In its monthly update, NASA notes that on March 23 and 24, during the first couple of hours after sunset, the moon will be visible as a slim crescent close to Venus. On March 23 it appears just below the moon, while the very next night it’ll be just above. The following night, on March 25, the moon will its upward trajectory as viewed from Earth, appearing beside the brilliant Pleiades star cluster that evening.
With this month seeing crop planting and harvesting activities in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, respectively, NASA suggests the coming weeks as “a fitting time to try and spot the planet named for a mythical goddess of agriculture, grains, and fertile lands. (In addition to being the origin of the word ‘cereal.’)”

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Check out NASA’s skywatching tips for February
Open star clusters many light years from Earth.

February is just about upon us and so it's time for NASA to once again share its suggestions on what to look out for in the skies in the coming weeks.
Celestial pairings
First up, Jupiter and Venus will appear to converge in the night sky during the coming weeks. They’re easy to spot thanks to their bright appearance, but if you have trouble identifying them, just use one of the many excellent astronomy apps available for Android and iPhone.

Another pairing occurs toward the end of the month when the moon and Mars appear to come very close, high in the southwest after sunset.
Constellation Auriga
NASA says February is a great month to pick out the constellation Auriga.

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