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Facebook brings back the old news feed


After changes during September 2011 altered how stories and updates appear within the Facebook news feed, the company is now offering a sorting method to bring back the previous organization of content. Announced on the official Facebook blog today, a new “Sort” link will start appearing on Facebook accounts over the new few weeks. After clicking the sort button in the top right hand corner of the screen, users will be able to reposition “Recent Stories” at the top of the page rather than remaining under the “Highlighted Stories” section. This move is likely designed to appease Facebook users that were vocal and disappointed about the reorganization of the news feed.

facebook_sort_storiesWhile the option to change back to chronological order is somewhat difficult to spot on the page, administrators of brand pages may end up benefiting from this change as more eyes are likely to see brand page updates in the recently posted news feed rather than within the highlighted stories. Facebook users are still waiting on the complete launch of the new Timeline design to profile pages. The Timeline design was supposed to go live for all users several weeks ago, but appears to be in limbo while Facebook developers continue to work on the project. Facebook officials haven’t set a date for the launch of Timeline and the company hasn’t publicly identified what issue is holding back the new redesign.

Facebook also announced that sharing blog content to the Facebook Notes application will no longer be supported after November 22. Facebook is cutting off the automatic feeding feature to encourage more people to directly post content to the Timeline. While Facebook allowed users to import a blog through a first-party tool under the settings menu, it’s possible that any third-party tool used to import content to the Notes application will also become useless.

Mike Flacy
By day, I'm the content and social media manager for High-Def Digest, Steve's Digicams and The CheckOut on Ben's Bargains…
Facebook is getting interested in news again with News Tab launch
Facebook Logo

News junkies on Facebook will be pleased to know that the social networking giant is about to launch its News Tab feature.

The unveiling will take place at a special event in New York City on Friday, October 25, with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg — fresh from his appearance before the House Financial Services Committee — and Robert Thomson, chief executive of News Corp., doing the honors.

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We now have scientific proof that quitting Facebook makes you less depressed

There’s now scientific proof of what we already knew: Quitting Facebook is beneficial for your health. 

A new report titled “The Economic Effects of Facebook” was published this week online in the journal Experimental Economics. The study looked at two groups of Texas A&M student participants in 2017: Those who went off Facebook for a week and those who remained on the social media platform during that period. The findings, discussed in Nieman Lab, were that the students who were off of Facebook consumed less news and also reported greater overall well-being. 

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Twitter CEO claims platform had best day last week
A stylized composite of the Twitter logo.

Twitter CEO Linda Yaccarino tweeted on Monday that despite the current fuss over Meta’s new and very similar Threads app, Twitter had its largest usage day last week.

Subtly including the name of Meta’s new app, which launched to great fanfare last Wednesday, Yaccarino did her best to sing Twitter’s praises, tweeting: “Don’t want to leave you hanging by a thread … but Twitter, you really outdid yourselves! Last week we had our largest usage day since February. There’s only ONE Twitter. You know it. I know it.”

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