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Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X35 will bring 5G to your next smartwatch

Qualcomm is poised to deliver 5G capabilities to a whole new class of mobile devices with a new modem chip that bridges the gap between today’s best smartphones and much lower-bandwidth devices like payment terminals and home accessories.

Announced today, Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X35 5G Modem-RF system is the world’s first to adopt NR-Light, a new 5G standard for midtier devices that don’t require the power and performance of a 5G-capable smartphone or tablet — but can still take advantage of the lower latency and power consumption offered by 5G technology.

Filling the 5G void

Qualcomm Snapdragon X35.

NR-Light, also known as “RedCap” (reduced capability), is a new 5G platform that was finalized last year to fill the void that existed between high-bandwidth 5G chips and radios designed to drive ultrafast mmWave and aggregated sub-6 speeds, such as Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X70, and extremely low-bandwidth Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

The 5G radios used in cell phones consume quite a bit of power. While they arguably don’t use much more than the 4G/LTE radios that came before, the issue of lower-power LTE chips was solved over six years ago — around the time the Samsung Gear S3 and Apple Watch Series 3 both showed up to take wearable cellular devices mainstream.

That was about six years after 4G/LTE smartphones showed up, so Qualcomm is a bit ahead of the game with the Snapdragon X35. Nevertheless, like most new Qualcomm chips, it will take a while to find its way into consumer devices; the company says not to expect the first of these to show up until early next year.

Why you need 5G on a smartwatch

The Apple Watch Ultra on a man's wrist in a pocket.
Apple Watch Ultra Andy Boxall/Digital Trends

You may be asking yourself why a device like a smartwatch needs 5G. After all, even if you’re strapping on an Apple Watch Ultra or a Galaxy Watch 5 Pro, it’s not like you’ll be streaming videos or downloading large files.

However, it’s important to understand that there’s a lot more to 5G than just raw speed. Sure, the latest 5G chips can push wireless rates into the gigabit range, but few people even need that kind of performance on a smartphone. It may be cool to see high numbers on speed tests, but that’s not what matters the most about 5G.

Instead, the higher bandwidth offered by 5G makes room for many more devices to get connected — and stay connected — even in the most crowded places. That’s already a huge bonus for anybody who has ever attended a concert or football game or tried to stay connected in a busy airport. However, it’s going to become more crucial as even more devices begin to connect directly to public wireless networks rather than localized Wi-Fi networks.

Woman holding up smartphone with speed test results on Verizon 5G Ultra Wideband network.

There’s another performance measurement that many folks don’t realize: latency. The big flashy Mbps or Gbps number on your speed test may look impressive, but that only shows you how fast a single stream of data can be delivered to your device. It’s great when downloading large files or streaming a single video, but it’s not nearly as important for the dozens of smaller things we do with our devices every day. Things like checking social media, receiving notifications, tracking workouts, and navigating on a map all require the exchange of many smaller chunks of data, and that’s where the lower latency of 5G comes into play. This is what makes everything smoother and snappier when doing things over a 5G connection.

A big step into the future of 5G connectivity

Devices that may someday use the Qualcomm Snapdragon X35.

There’s an even more important reason why every class of mobile device eventually needs to embrace 5G, and that’s simply that it’s the way ahead for wireless technology. It will eventually be necessary for 4G/LTE networks to ride off into the sunset, and the faster that 5G gets adopted across the board, the sooner that can happen — and there’s a very good reason why it needs to.

This isn’t just about decommissioning older technology. Existing 4G/LTE networks are actually getting in the way of 5G reaching its full potential. Most low-band 5G frequencies share the airwaves with 4G/LTE signals, and 5G traffic has to yield to the older and less efficient LTE traffic. Fewer 4G/LTE devices mean better performance for the 5G devices that use those frequencies.

The Snapdragon X35 also isn’t just for smartwatches; although that will likely be one of the most popular uses for it in the short term, Qualcomm envisions its chip powering next-generation XR glasses, personal health monitors, retail terminals, security cameras, and more affordable industrial IoT devices and mass tier connected PCs and routers. In addition to standard 5G data connectivity with peak speeds of up to 220Mbps, it also offers support for Voice over 5G and 4G and precise positioning for locating devices in campus and factory environments.

The Qualcomm Snapdragon X35 will begin rolling out to device manufacturers by this summer, with the first commercial mobile devices featuring the chip expected to arrive in the first half of 2024.

Jesse Hollington
Jesse has been a technology enthusiast for his entire life — he probably would have been born with an iPhone in his hand…
What is 5G UW? The real meaning behind the icon on your phone
Woman holding up smartphone with speed test results on Verizon 5G Ultra Wideband network.

You've probably noticed that there's been much more hype around 5G than for any of the wireless technologies that came before. Some of that is just marketing, of course; we are living in an increasingly connected era, and there are far more people toting smartphones now than there were in 2012 when 4G/LTE was just beginning to go mainstream. However, it's also not an exaggeration to say that with considerably faster speeds and the ability to handle many more devices, 5G is a much bigger step into the next stage of global connectivity. You've also probably noticed it yourself with a "5G UW" icon at the top of your phone.

As with most new technologies, 5G comes with some new challenges for both carriers and consumers. One of the most significant of these has been working out the best way to deploy 5G services across the much wider range of frequencies that it's capable of operating on. This wasn't nearly as significant a problem in the days of 3G and 4G/LTE services, which all operated in a much narrower range of radio spectrum.

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The 5G UW icon on the Samsung Galaxy S23.

It's been years in the making, but 5G — the next big chapter in wireless technology — is finally approaching the mainstream. While we haven't yet reached the point where it's available everywhere, nearly all of the best smartphones are 5G-capable these days, and you're far more likely to see a 5G icon lit up on your phone than not.

There's more to 5G than just a fancy new number, though. The technology has been considerably more complicated for carriers to roll out since it covers a much wider range of frequencies than older 4G/LTE technology, with different trade-offs for each. It's also a much farther-reaching wireless technology, promising the kind of global connectivity that was once merely a dream found in futuristic sci-fi novels.

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5G logo on the Motorola Edge (2022).

If you own a 5G-capable smartphone — which are all of the best phones today — there’s a good chance you’ve seen different 5G network icons showing up in your status bar. It’s a stark contrast to the pre-5G days when your phone showed “4G” or “LTE” no matter where you went.

It can get a bit confusing to see a 5G indicator one moment and then “5G UC” or “5G UW” the next. It’s not something you need to worry too much about, as you don’t usually have much control over it, but it’s still helpful to understand what these different symbols mean — and why they matter.
The humble beginnings of 5G

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