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Clever split-screen video gives new and engaging look at Curiosity landing

Early on Monday morning, NASA succeeded in putting a car-sized, one-ton rover onto the surface of Mars. The moment Curiosity touched down, scientists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory erupted into cheers and applause. Presumably a fair few of those watching online around the world punched the air in celebration too; it was, after all, an incredible achievement considering the mind-bending complexity of the mission.

At some point before or after the landing, many of you may have taken a moment to watch the simulation video showing the various high-risk maneuvers that Curiosity had to undertake in order to safely touch down. These took place during the so-called “seven minutes of terror” and no doubt had many a NASA scientist biting their fingernails to the quick.

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After watching the successful landing, IDG News’ Martyn Williams had the idea to pull together all the NASA video feeds connected to the landing – from NASA TV, the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the Curiosity Mars Descent Imager, as well as the animated simulation – to create a wonderful four-minute split-screen video showing the events as they happened.

The result is a fascinating and entertaining view of the final moments before touchdown, with the scientists responding to key moments during Curiosity’s final descent, as shown in the simulation. You can check it out below.

Trevor Mogg
Contributing Editor
Not so many moons ago, Trevor moved from one tea-loving island nation that drives on the left (Britain) to another (Japan)…
Curiosity rover adjusts its attitude to its Martian surroundings
Curiosity Rover

Like a surly teenager, everyone's favorite Martian explorer, NASA's Curiosity rover, suffered from an attitude problem last week. "Attitude" is how engineers refer to the rover's ability to locate itself spatially, and it is essential for the rover to have accurate attitude information to move around and perform operations safely. This information is stored in Curiosity's memory, along with information about its environment, and it uses this to calculate whether it is safe to make a particular movement.

This Hazcam image shows Curiosity's arm extended out to perform an APXS analysis of the bedrock. Curiosity has to know the exact angle of every joint to move safely. NASA/JPL-Caltech

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