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Want to know what (and who) to avoid on Tinder? The Internet has your back

social media presents the worst of tinder

I never get tired of telling people how awesome online dating is – when done right it can yield meaningful connections and fruitful, romantic relationships. At the same time, I’m happy to be done with all that. And the biggest reason is this: Online dating is a hit-or-miss situation, and for every hit, you get a crap load of misses.

Tinder is supposedly the hottest new dating app available today, allowing individuals to socialize a lot easier through their smartphones and quickly get to know matches through their Facebook profiles (which is required to be able to use the service). The way it resembles a catalogue of dateables that you can easily peruse by swiping amplifies the collect-and-select nature of playing the field, and since its launch last December, the app’s monthly active users have grown exponentially, proving that it’s fun, it’s addicting, and it’s definitely worth trying out. Of course the fact that so many people are getting on the Tinder bandwagon means it has also become a treasure trove of horrifying profile photos, creepy pick-up lines, and hilarious and cringe-worthy instant messages that would make anyone rethink online dating altogether.

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Here are a couple of Tumblr blogs, Facebook pages, Twitter feeds, and sites that can help you weed out the absolute worst of Tinder (also to be interpreted as where you can send your terrifyingly horrible Tinder moments).

1. Tinder Rejections

01 tinder rejections

Normally, I’d be willing to believe the adage “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” but on an online dating site or app, profile pictures are everything. As a personal rule, impressions are a no-no (so are stuffed animals and tighty-whities). Also, we’re so over Gangnam Style. Next!

2. Tinder Lines

To start a spark with a potential partner, quality of conversation is key. I’ve never been a fan of moldy old pick-up lines, and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. See for yourself:

02 tinder lines 2
02 tinder lines 3
02 tinder lines

Oh, and it’s not just the dudes who are “killing it:”

02 tinder lines 4 02 tinder lines 5

3. Tinder Leaked & Exposed

This Facebook community is actually pretty new, but it’s already got over a thousand likes, so maybe it’s worth keeping it in your radar. It’s early, but there are some unbelievable gems:

03 tinder leaked and exposed

4. Tinder Probs

Just in case you’re still having second thoughts about it, butt cracks are a DEFINITE NO. Repeat: Swipe left and move on.

5. Gems of Tinder

Bathroom selfies are the absolute worst, no matter how chiseled your body is.

05 gems of tinder

Also, HELL NO.

6. Tinder Fail

Here’s a helpful hint: If you want to be taken seriously on Tinder, try not to look like a creepy criminal stalker. You’re not Jesse Pinkman. You could never be Jesse Pinkman.

06 tinder fail

7. Tinder Yikes

From what I gathered, this Twitter handle is managed by a woman, so if you’re a gal looking for someone to commiserate with, check out her collection of “interesting” people:

8. Tinder Shots

Added to this list, as per Tinder Yikes’ advice above. Don’t worry – apparently, people still value honesty.

9. The Tinder Lover

Don’t completely lose hope – it’s not all awful (although it may seem that way). Worst case scenario: You might find someone who can inspire your next short story:

9 the tinder lover

10. Tinder Creeps

Unfortunately, at the end of the day, the Interwebs is teeming with them.

10 tinder creeps
Jam Kotenko
Former Digital Trends Contributor
When she's not busy watching movies and TV shows or traveling to new places, Jam is probably on Facebook. Or Twitter. Or…
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