If you’re an avid online seller on sites like eBay and Craigslist, having your product shown in its best light could help you make the sale, especially if there are other sellers hawking the same ware. But not everybody has a budget to hire a professional to take magazine-quality photos. Enter the Lightcase, a miniature photography studio that gives users a quick and affordable way to shoot images with their cameras or smartphones of their products for sale, or personal creations or interests. While the product is reaching the end of its Kickstarter campaign – having nearly tripled its funding goal – you can still get one by pledging $46.
Created by British designers Dominic Crinson and Brenna Jensen, the Lightcase was specifically made with the full-time designer in mind. According to the duo, today’s designers must also market and promote their product, and the Lightcase provides an easy method to capture high-quality images to help sell those products. In recognition of that, the Lightcase was made by designers, for designers and non-creatives alike.
The Lightcase itself is made of a frosted polypropylene material that diffuses light to create a reflection-free, evenly lit background that’s ideal for top or front shooting. The top of the Lightcase has a small opening that can be used to focus your smartphone’s camera lens directly onto the subject (putting a regular camera on top might be unwieldy).
Using the Lightcase is quite simple – the case is set up by popping and clicking individual tabs into each other and placing it near a natural light source of your choosing. You can then choose from frosted, black, or white-colored backdrops to accompany your shot. After positioning the image subject and your smartphone (or camera), all that’s left is to frame and shoot.
Amazon lists several products similar to the Lightcase – some with much higher costs and others around the same price – but this product stands out with its very simple setup, breakdown, and usage. With the Lightcase, you need not worry about having a collection of expensive photo gear to get a great shot. Thanks to its inventive foldable design, you can carry Lightcase virtually anywhere without weighing yourself down with camera lenses and accessories – this is particularly helpful if you have lots of products to shoot.
Should you miss the Kickstarter campaign, you can snag one at Lightcase’s main site when it becomes available.