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Which is more important, the technology or the film?

There was a time when home theater was pretty low tech; everything was mono and full screen. Times have certainly changed, but have we lost our focus? Now with the increased popularity of DVD and six channel receivers you can get a better picture and sound than in many theaters. I talk to a lot of home theater owners as well as read the threads in the DVD and home theater news groups and there seems to be a growing number of people whose purchases of films seem to be driven more by the technological aspects of the DVD than the quality and content of the film. As someone who got into collecting movies in the low tech days I find this a bit upsetting. People will endlessly debate whether a DVD has DTS, if it is anamorphic and whether the aspect ratio is true to the films original specs. While many of these concerns are realistic and valid I still have to wonder where is the actual film in all of this? Are advances in home theater technology creating techno-snobs? Do we purchase DVDs for the film itself or for the video and sound quality?

First, let?s look at some statistics about DVDs that should surprise a number of people out there. Most DVDs are full screen. Of 26,991 region one DVDs 20,294 are in 4:3. The simple reason for this is the large number of DVDs devoted to television shows, educational material and older movies that were released in full screen. For similar reasons most DVDs are not in full six channel sound, most are stereo. In fact, 13, 117 are in just stereo with another 3,444 in mono. When you consider the new seven channel sound the number falls to just under 90 titles. The big ticket DVDs that the studios heavily promote are usually the large budget films festooned with special effects. Films like the recent Star Wars, Blade, and Harry Potter are not only popular movies but they are the things you pop into the DVD player to show off your new home theater to your envious friends. The question now comes up; are you showing your friends how well a movie is presented on your system or just demonstrating the technology of your home theater?

So many people today seem to be more concerned with the technology than the film. By using the audio and video wonders of DVD as criteria they can miss so many excellent films. For a long time the majority of films produced where in the 4:3 ?academy aspect?, the typical ratio of regular television sets. These films typically did not exhibit surround sound, they relied on a story, cast and crew that knew how to make a movie of lasting merit. That?s not to say that every older film is a classic. Many in my collection are the Sci-Fi flicks of the fifties that I grew up with and that initially got me into loving movies. This prejudice against films without full surround sound of widescreen video will also preclude many worthy independent films. Some of these low budget films are among the best in my collection yet since they where made on a shoestring budget they usually do not have the technical features that draw audiences to the blockbusters.

I remember seeing these movies in old time theaters, no Dolby sound, just a speaker behind the screen. Now there is a compromise to be had and it comes at the hands of the technology. Most receivers include a Prologic mode. As part of the standard there are emulation modes like ?theater?, ?live? and ?hall?. These modes provide a nice, realistic feel of anything from a small neighborhood movie house to the high end theaters many of us still remember. There is no shame in using the mode available to watch a film that is not encoded with discrete surround sound. The fact that the DVD does not have spectacular rear channel use or a booming sub woofer does not negate the fact you are watching a film worthy of your enjoyment.

There is a place for this technology. For one thing it is driving more and more studios to releasing films in their original scope. I used to have to hunt through small specialty video stores hunting for a letterbox version of a favorite film. I have to admit the hunt was usually arduous but the feeling of triumph when I found a tape was worth it. Now, there is an increasing number of films coming out on DVD that do retain the director?s chosen aspect ratio. Studios like Universal have begun to release those Sci-Fi flicks of my youth on DVD. Now I can own a copy that is not subject to the degradation of video tape and many even have interesting extras such as production features and interviews with the crew. My excitement here comes from a film I enjoy being correctly presented not that the technology has improved.

I feel that much of the attitudes are formed by the studios themselves. So many movies are produced more like extended music videos than films or merit. The booming audio and bright video are part of the movie, unfortunately often in lieu of story. These films are designed to be viewed at home on a high end home theater. The MTV generation used to fast paced loud sights and sounds has translated to the movies made by Hollywood and this has moved over because of the availability of high quality home theater equipment. As a culture we are being pushed to expecting high quality audio and video at the expense of content. The expectation of quality in movies appears to be diminishing rapidly. How a film looks and sounds is becoming more important than what the movie has to say or the production values used to say it. As I speak to people about this many are adamant about the need for all the bells and whistles a DVD can provide. Some will not even consider a disc of what they feel is lesser production standards. Film as an art form started out has humble flickering images on a wall. We have come a long way from then but we should not allow the technical advances overwhelm the love of enjoying a film for the sake of the film.

Halo Infinite’s talkative Grunts are bad stand-up comedians
halo infinite grunts

I've played every mainline Halo title, with the exception of Halo 5, and have always been bothered by one thing: The Grunts. They are are a cannon fodder enemy type that is meant to fill in ranks and give players something they can mow down without much thought when not facing off against tougher enemies like Elites. In the early days of the series, they were a perfectly fine enemy that was fun to melee attack. They made goofy sounds when attacked, which injected a bit of levity into an otherwise melodramatic series.

It wasn't long before the developers doubled down on that joke, making them more explicitly comedic with one-liners. Grunt humor has always been hit-or-miss, but Halo Infinite takes the hackiness to an overbearing level at the expense of the game's tone.
Grunts are not funny

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Halo Infinite has what it takes to thrive as an esports game
Halo Infinite capture the flag.

While I have been a gamer for my entire life, it was actually very early esports that got me to take the medium seriously. When I was playing Counter-Strike 1.6 at far younger than I should have been, my friend and I would head over to a local gaming café where we would play in small tournaments or casual matches with whoever was around. Later on, it was seeing Halo 2 tournaments hosted by MLG on TV that got me to buy an Xbox and start playing console games online for the first time. I followed the competitive Halo scene up until the end of the Halo 3 days and then ... just kind of fell off.

Esports changed after that, or at least it felt like they did. There were still some first-person shooters doing tournaments, but all the attention seemed to have shifted to MOBAs around that time. Games like DOTA 2 and League of Legends have hosted the biggest Esport tournaments of all time, with giant cash prizes and even bigger viewer numbers.

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The pandemic forced fighting games to grow up in 2021
fighting game growth 2021 kof15 screenshot

Fighting games are one of the most iconic gaming genres out there. From the arcades and cabinet-to-cabinet bouts with Street Fighter 2 to home consoles featuring online netplay across the country with Street Fighter 5, these titles and more like them have become engrained in gaming culture.

Despite how important fighting games are to the medium's history, the genre hadn't really grown up much since its arcade days. That was especially apparent in their archaic online implementation, which was holding back their potential. It wasn't until the COVID-19 pandemic that the genre was forced to modernize and finally act its age.
Staying competitive
For quite some time, fighting game fans have sat on the sidelines and watched as games like Fortnite, Dota, League of Legends, and more receive endless support and great online capabilities. That support turns into profit for the companies making them as it keeps their player base active. A dedicated audience means more prize pool money in esports tournaments and competitive support from the companies. The same can't be said for the fighting genre.

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