Set an unspecified number of years after the events of the previous Rocky films, Creed stars Michael B. Jordan (Fantastic Four) as the son of Apollo Creed, the former heavyweight champion boxer played by Carl Weathers in the first four Rocky movies. The film features the return of Sylvester Stallone as the iconic, never-stay-down southpaw Rocky Balboa, who agrees to train the son of his former rival and closest friend in order to pass along the lessons that made his father — and Rocky himself — into true champions.
Along with releasing the first trailer for the film, which is directed by award-winning Fruitvale Station filmmaker Ryan Coogler, the studio has also provided a new, official synopsis for the film that offers a bit more context and hints at a threat that even the great Rocky Balboa might not be able to overcome.
Here’s the official synopsis for Creed released by the studio:
From Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures, Warner Bros. Pictures and New Line Cinema comes award-winning filmmaker Ryan Coogler’s Creed. The film explores a new chapter in the Rocky story and stars Academy Award nominee Sylvester Stallone in his iconic role. The film also reunites Coogler with his Fruitvale Station star Michael B. Jordan as the son of Apollo Creed.
Adonis Johnson (Jordan) never knew his famous father, world heavyweight champion Apollo Creed, who died before he was born. Still, there’s no denying that boxing is in his blood, so Adonis heads to Philadelphia, the site of Apollo Creed’s legendary match with a tough upstart named Rocky Balboa.
Once in the City of Brotherly Love, Adonis tracks Rocky (Stallone) down and asks him to be his trainer. Despite his insistence that he is out of the fight game for good, Rocky sees in Adonis the strength and determination he had known in Apollo — the fierce rival who became his closest friend. Agreeing to take him on, Rocky trains the young fighter, even as the former champ is battling an opponent more deadly than any he faced in the ring.
With Rocky in his corner, it isn’t long before Adonis gets his own shot at the title … but can he develop not only the drive but also the heart of a true fighter, in time to get into the ring?
Along with Stallone and Jordan, the film’s cast also includes Selma actress Tessa Thompson, The Cosby Show actress Phylicia Rashad, and British boxer Anthony Bellew in the role of rival pugilist “Pretty” Ricky Conlan. The script for Creed was co-written by Coogler and Aaron Covington.
Creed punches its way into theaters November 25.