“Get a Vitamix machine, my dear people … and see that those minerals and vitamins go where they belong,” implored William G. Bernard (known as “Papa”) back in 1949 in one of the world’s first infomercials. The company has been in business since 1921, and its current CEO, Jodi Berg — Papa’s great-granddaughter — has just written the first cookbook for the beloved blender, claiming it can make it easier to incorporate more whole foods into people’s diets.
While the blenders come with booklets that include recipes for the versatile appliance, this is the company’s first retail cookbook, according to the AP. It gives instructions for using the Vitamix to make 250 recipes, including some breakfasts, sauces, and, of course, drinks (“nut milks, juices, and even cocktails”). There’s a section for soup as well, because the blender can not only turn vegetables into a liquid but can actually heat them up, too, thanks to its powerful motor.
There are some recipes in the book that don’t technically require a Vitamix, such as the polenta pizza. Sure, it encourages you to grind your own cornmeal with the machine, but that’s not a requirement. Others, like the banana waffles, are more Vitamix-specific, giving instructions like “Select Variable 1. Turn the machine on, and slowly increase the speed to Variable 6.”
The cookbook goes on sale on October 13; it’s available on Amazon for $19. The pricey blender has an ardent following, so a dedicated collection of recipes may appeal to owners.
If you don’t have a Vitamix and recently won the lottery, you can pick up the company’s newest offering: the 780. It has a touchscreen, which is a departure from earlier models, which use switches and dials. It’s $700 and available exclusively at Williams-Sonoma. That’s definitely a lot of dough for a blender, but it does grind cornmeal, which you could then turn into dough for use in making a pizza. The circle of life.