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Work/Life: How and why to look your best during video calls


On this episode of Work/Life, Ciara Pressler, author of Pregame and Game Plan, talks with Greg Nibler about the importance of looking good on your videoconference calls, which have become a necessity for many during the coronavirus. Pressler follows up on her earlier tips on how to look better during your video calls with the important reasons why you should be thinking more about how you present yourself to co-workers and possible future employers.

So why is it important to put so much effort into video calls? “Even right now, people are half-listening to what I’m saying and half-looking at my background trying to make a few assumptions about me,” she said. She also notes that part of being human is the subconscious ways we evaluate and judge each other and the world around us. “It’s not always fair, but it’s just how we are as humans,” she says. “We’re making evaluations and assumptions all the time.”

In addition to meetings, many people are finding themselves interviewing for new projects or new jobs over videoconference calls, so first impressions are important. So how do you make those impressions work for you? Pressler gives a few pieces of advice. “I’ve noticed with my company that people show up for interviews over video much differently than when they come to my office in person, and that should not be the case,” she says. It’s easier than ever to look good over video, she notes, because you only have to worry about what you look like from the waist up. In addition, finding the right eye level for your camera and using plenty of lighting will help make you look your best professionally. “You’re always communicating, even when you’re not communicating verbally,” she notes, “and now your environment is part of your outfit.”

Pressler also gives specific tips. “You always need to be at minimum business casual when you’re meeting with someone for the first time,” she says. “How you look communicates what you’re worth,” and you don’t want your interviewer to subconsciously think that you’re worth less because of the casualness of your appearance and surroundings.

While you don’t need to jettison your personal style, “wear the costume of the role you’re trying to get,” suggests Pressler. You can incorporate your style into it when it benefits you and helps you reach the goals you’re tying to achieve. “You want to look like you deserve what you’re asking for,” she said.

Todd Werkhoven
Todd Werkhoven's work can be read at numerous publications and he co-authored a personal finance book called "Zombie…
Work/Life: Continuing education in a time of recession
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On this episode of Work/Life, Ciara Pressler, founder and author of Pregame, talks with Greg Nibler about the pros and cons of continuing education and going back to school during a recession and whether the potential benefits outweigh the monetary investment.

Pressler discusses the different avenues of schooling, from traditional universities to trade schools and online learning. “There are a lot of considerations before you jump back into education,” Pressler says. In this segment, she give tips and tricks for both identifying the goal you have and finding the best path to help you achieve it.

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Work/Life: The importance of reaching out for help, and how to do it
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On this episode of Work/Life, Ciara Pressler, author and founder of Pregame, talks with Greg Nibler about the challenges many of us face when it comes to asking for help in our business and personal lives. She looks into the reasons why you need to make it a point to ask people for advice and for help, whether it be for job recommendations, personal introductions, mentorship, and more.

Americans are raised with the mindset of individualism and making it on our own, but Pressler notes that “now more than ever, we need each other.” With unemployment being incredibly high right now due to the coronavirus, "more people than ever are looking for new jobs and new opportunities,” she says. Even those people who still have their jobs need things, including moral support, through difficult times. “Everything is easier when you have a crew of people or inner circle to talk through problems with.”

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Work/Life: The art and balance of effective self-promotion
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On this episode of Work/Life, Ciara Pressler, founder and author of Pregame, talks with Greg Nibler about the challenges many of us face when it comes to the art of self-promotion. She looks into the reasons why you need to continue to self-promote, and how to do it in a way that isn’t, well, “gross.”

First, she notes, self-promotion is necessary “because no one is going to do it for you. You need to be your own best cheerleader and your best advocate.” Whether it's to expand your own business, or because you are about to reenter a job field that will be packed with other people looking for work, self-promotion is what will make you stand out from other candidates, and is your opportunity to “shout out your own accomplishments,” Pressler says. After all, nobody else will know about your skill sets and talents unless you tell them yourself. Simply put, she says, “you have to advocate for yourself.”

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