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Don’t look so smug: Your Tesla might be worse for the environment than a gas car

EVs have been sold on eco-friendliness, which has created a great deal of smugness. But EVs can the planet far more than gasoline- or diesel-powered cars.
Model T vs Tesla side by side

From hand cranking to charging: Why Tesla’s Model S is the Model T of our time

Over 100 years ago, the Ford Model T started a revolution in transportation. Now, the Tesla Model S is doing the same thing, and it's not just because it's an EV.
Mercedes Benz F Cell

Too little too late? Will hydrogen fuel cell cars ever be able to catch on?

5 things the auto industry can learn from tesla teslaoufrontqtr1500

5 things the auto industry can learn from Tesla

Tesla is selling electric cars as fast as they can make them. What's their secret? What can other car companies learn from Tesla to improve their products?
can your car be hacked hacking threats analyzed breaks deactivated

Can your car be hacked? From brakes to GPS, a look at what’s vulnerable

Car hacking sounds threatening, but even with their plethora of onboard computers, most modern cars appear relatively safe.
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Can Elon Musk solve the world’s energy needs through solar power and electric cars?

The tandem rise of electric cars and solar power could signal vast changes in transportation and energy use. What's Elon Musk's place in the mix?

Ford’s big gamble: Will the next-generation Mustang boost the iconic nameplate?

Considering its drop in status as the top American muscle car in recent years, the new 2015 Mustang could wind up being Ford’s biggest challenge to date.

Ford’s Director of Vehicle Electrification talks plugin politics and the EV future

Ford's Director of Vehicle Electrification and Infrastructure, talks about the future of electric vehicles in a wide-ranging interview with Digital Trends.
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Ride shotgun in the high-tech cop cruiser you don’t want in your rearview mirror

The Portland Police Bureau wields a vast array of felon-sniffing technology in their patrol cars and in person, stuff that law-abiding citizens should be glad they are using against the bad guys.
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Fisker vs. Tesla: Two cutting-edge cars, two embattled companies