In-depth car accessory reviews by Digital Trends’ team of experts. Find the right device for your vehicle based on a melange of facets, including rating, manufacturer, and more.
Part Wi-Fi hotspot, part diagnostic tool, and part anti-theft device, the Rogers Smart Drive hopes its unique set of features will justify its $15 monthly fee.
The Ventev Wirelesspro Dock phone mount for your car may finally deliver a good reason to ditch the cables with the help of fast wireless charging technology
The Logitech ZeroTouch phone mount increases your connection to features like messaging, music, and navigation while still remaining hands-free out on the road.
Magellan's MiVue 420 is an easy-to-use and high definition dash camera but limitations to the new safety features may have you looking elsewhere for your next co-pilot.
Tired of convoluted and invasive backup camera systems, a team of ex-Apple engineers developed RearVision, an entirely wireless backup camera with an integrated solar panel for keeping it charged.
The thinkware F750 dash camera offers a reliable and clear video system without many of the complicated setup problems that we have seen from other competitors
If you are looking for a great way to stay connected with your family when they are out on the road and help maintain your vehicles - the Vinli is a great start.
Escort’s Max 360 features two antennas and directional arrows to pinpoint law enforcement. It also uses GPS to learn and reject false alerts over time.