In its continuing march to march product available in retail outlets, computer maker Dell has signed a deal with Tesco, whichowns stores in England, Ireland, Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia, to sell its desktop and laptop machines starting next month. "With over 13 million customers per week shopping atTesco’s stores, this deal will result in substantial exposure for Dell’s brand and products," Mark Ormerod, vice president and general manager of consumer business for Dell’s Europe, Middle Eastand Africa operations, said in a statement. It follows from CEO Michael Dell’s vow to get product into the top two retail stores of 20 different countries. But it’s hardly thefirst time Dell has made such a deal. The company’s computers are already in Wal-Mart, Best Buy and Staples at home, as well as in stores in Singapore, China, Japan and Europe – a totalof 10,000 stores worldwide.