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Samsung hopes to entice developers to build apps for Tizen TVs with update

Samsung unveiled an important update to its Tizen development kit on Wednesday, it’s a bit of an “inside baseball” kind of announcement, but it has far-reaching implications for the nascent operating system platform. The announcement concerns a new version of the .NET Core developer preview, which is a significant update to the previous version, and makes it a bit easier for developers to get started on the platform.

The exact details here aren’t important to most users, but the implications of the update suggest the direction Samsung is going to take with Tizen. Given that it is a stand-alone operating system, not an offshoot of Android or Chrome OS, there is some concern about how many developers would take the time to develop for it — even with Samsung’s significant backing.

It’s been on the market for years but has a minuscule market share compared to Android and iOS. Samsung hopes to change all of that by building Tizen into some of its flagship TV and smartphone offerings. According to MS Power User, Samsung unveiled a new version of the .NET Core for Tizen developers Wednesday as part of that strategy.

This second version of the .NET Core allows developers to use familiar .NET APIs for the development of apps for Samsung’s upcoming Tizen TVs — a big step up from the previous release which only came with mobile application support.

Samsung has big plans for Tizen but in the end, its devices will be defined by their apps, and apps only exist with a strong community of developers. Wednesday’s announcement is another move to strengthen support among existing .NET developers, who will be able to develop for the platform without having to start from scratch.

It’s here that we can see Samsung laying the groundwork for its Tizen-powered devices, long before they ever hit the marketplace. Plus, the release is an important step toward building Tizen into the platform Samsung wants it to be — a go-to OS for their TVs, phones, and tablets. After all, we only have to look as far as Windows Phone to see what happens when a platform doesn’t have a robust developer community.

Jayce Wagner
Former Digital Trends Contributor
A staff writer for the Computing section, Jayce covers a little bit of everything -- hardware, gaming, and occasionally VR.
Samsung brings the Mona Lisa and other famous Louvre art to its The Frame TVs
Samsung's The Frame TV displaying art from the Louvre.

Owners of Samsung's The Frame QLED TVs are getting a serious upgrade to their art collection. Thanks to a new partnership with the Louvre gallery in Paris, Samsung has added world-famous works of art like the Mona Lisa and The Wedding at Cana -- 40 works in all -- to its Art Store catalog, which The Frame TV can display when not being used for video content.

The new collection also includes photos of the Louvre galleries, its architecture, and museum grounds (Louvre Pyramid, Tuileries Garden, etc.). Samsung says that the partnership will grow the number of included artworks over the coming year. When you include these new items, The Frame's Art Store catalog now includes more than 1,500 works of art from 42 different countries in 4K resolution. In addition to the Louvre, the catalog also has works from the Prado Museum in Madrid, the Albertina Museum in Vienna, the Tate Modern in London, the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, the Hermitage State Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia, and online photography gallery Lumas.

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Apple makes another concession to developers, lets some link outside its app
Apple logo on screen in front of group of people.

Apple will now allow developers of select apps to direct customers outside the app for purchases. This marked a change when the company would require such apps to either use the in-app purchase system to let users sign up for subscriptions and pay Apple a 30% commission or leave it to users to find out how to access content on their own.

The change comes as a result of an investigation by the Japan Fair Trade Commission, though it will apply around the world. From the start of next year, "reader apps" will be able to link to an external site that will enable users to set up or manage their accounts. This was prohibited previously.

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Samsung reveals it can disable stolen TVs remotely
Samsung TV Block logo displayed over a Samsung TV.

Samsung has the ability to disable its TVs remotely. A recently published Samsung support page and press release spotted by The Verge describes how the company is able to respond to reports of stolen Samsung TVs by using a feature called Samsung TV Block to disable the sets over the internet.

The announcement comes in the wake of violent unrest in South Africa in July. At that time, an undisclosed number of Samsung TVs were stolen from one of Samsung's warehouses, according to the report.

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