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Windows 7 has replaced XP as the most popular version of the OS

Windows 7 retirement
While Microsoft may be looking to the future, it seems that many PC users are still firmly entrenched in the past, as the most widely used version of the OS is still Windows 7. Despite being more than five years old, the software is still more popular than its successors Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 and its direct predecessor Windows XP, according to data from NetMarketShare.

In fact, Windows 7 is so popular that it accounts for 55.99% of all desktop operating systems — more than Windows XP, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 combined. For years, Windows XP was the go-to choice for offices and schools, but that position has now been usurped by Windows 7.

It’s clear that a large proportion of Windows users are happier staying with the environment that they know, rather than updating to the latest version of the OS to enjoy the new features that come along with it. That can make it difficult for Microsoft to support its entire user base, given that they’re spread across drastically different versions of Windows.

Related: Check out our Windows XP end-of-support survival guide

Microsoft will be making Windows 10 a free upgrade, at least or a period of time, in the hopes that this will encourage PC users to bring their machines up to date. A larger userbase for Windows 10 means a larger potential audience for services like Cortana and the increased congruency between Windows Phone and Windows PCs, something that Microsoft will clearly be keen to pursue.

That said, it remains to be seen how quickly Windows 10 will catch on with the mainstream, even if it does turn out to be a free upgrade. While price is a factor to many users considering an upgrade, there are also considerations of compatibility and interface, particularly in a working environment. There are plenty of people out there who are simply used to Windows 7, and they’ll be the hardest to convince that an upgrade to Windows 10 is worth the sudden change.

Brad Jones
Brad is an English-born writer currently splitting his time between Edinburgh and Pennsylvania. You can find him on Twitter…
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Did Microsoft accidentally leak the next version of Windows?
a view of the strange new windows from ignite 2022

A brief glimpse of a desktop. Just a moment to take in what you were looking at. But then it hits you. Did Microsoft accidentally leak its next version of Windows during the company's Ignite event? Many watching the event are asking the same question.
Zac Bowden at Windows Central has done a great job of breaking down what, exactly, you saw. For a moment, there was a Windows desktop with a floating taskbar along the bottom and a Mac-esque Dock along the top, and a floating search box in the center of the screen. 

This is not the first time we’ve seen this design. Microsoft is working on a three-year update cycle and the next version of Windows is known internally as "Next Valley." The user interface shown off briefly at Ignite matches up with what we know about Next Valley. Of course, the update is not due until 2024. 
For starters, the floating taskbar along the bottom of the screen takes direct inspiration from macOS, down to the rounded corners and the frosted glass background. The icons look bigger and brighter, a la macOS. 
Next, the toolbar along the top featured a battery icon, Wi-Fi icon, the date on the right, and weather on the left. All of this was on the same frosted glass background as the taskbar. If you didn’t know better, you might think this was actually a MacBook running Windows.
But the giant floating search bar in the upper-middle of the screen belies that notion. It was pure Microsoft from the icons to search and close to the font in the search box. What it was doing there on the screen is a big question.
Is Microsoft planning on adding a big floating search box to Windows? If so, it could work a lot like Apple’s new Dynamic Island on iPhone. In fact, we’ve seen a leak for Dynamic Island on Mac, and we were not fans. It would take up a lot of usable space, slow the system down with needless animations, and while not being terribly useful. It'll be interesting to see how Microsoft plans to handle it.
This brief glimpse of a strange Windows operating system may have been nothing more than a mock-up of somebody’s idea for Windows. It could have been an experimental concept that accidentally made it into the presentation. Or it could have been an intentional leak of what Microsoft has planned in Next Valley, giving us a glimpse of what's to come.

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