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YouTube Hit By Porn Hack

YouTube Hit By Porn Hack

YouTube might be many things, but it’s definitely not a porn site. For a little while last week, however, that’s what it inadvertently became, as hackers uploaded hundreds of porn clips, disguised as videos for teens by artists like Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers.

Indeed, many of the clips began by featuring the artists then switching to something far more graphic.

The hack was supposedly undertaken by 4Chan, a bulletin board that focuses on Japanese manga and anime which contains some extreme sections and claims:

“Anything and everything can, and usually does, happen here. We have our very own unique culture, and there is no group quite like us anywhere out there.”

One of the reported hackers uses the name Flonty, who told the BBC:

“I did it because YouTube keeps deleting music. It was part of a 4Chan raid.”

“Children will find inappropriate material around the internet anyway.”

Scott Rubin, a Google spokesman, said:

“We are aware of the slew of pornographic videos that were uploaded.”

“We are addressing them as we would any video that violates our community guidelines.”

“In addition, any account we discover that has been set up specifically to attack YouTube will be disabled.”

Digital Trends Staff
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