To create his miniature version, designer Christian Poulsen started with a Sphero toy: an RC ball that first debuted a few years ago. This sphere-shaped bot connects to your smartphone via Bluetooth and uses an array of motors to spin its spherical casing around itself and drive around — sort of like a robotic, remote-controlled rat in a ball.
Next, Poulsen sawed open the Sphero’s casing, and mounted a set of small neodymium magnets inside of it. These magnets were also fitted inside of the droid’s head (which Poulson fashioned out of lightweight foam) to provide the miniature BB-8 with its signature free-floating top. A few coats of paint later, and the miniature BB-8 was done.
Its rumored that Orbotix, the company that makes Sphero (and also helped Disney design the real BB-8 droid for the upcoming Star Wars films) has plans to release its own miniature BB-8 droid toy in the not-so-distant future — but if you don’t feel like waiting around, you can make this DIY version in just a few hours.
Check out the full directions for the build over at Make.