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neural net rebuilds reality learning to see memo 07 cover

Like an A.I. acid trip, this neural net rebuilds reality with flowers and fire

This artist has created a deep learning neural network which views the world entirely as flowers, waves, fire or sky. The results are kind of beautiful.
nissan reborn light ev batteries

Nissan’s stylish street lamp puts old EV batteries back to work

Nissan is testing a new solar-powered street lamp that uses aging electric-vehicle batteries to store energy gathered during the day.
amazon drone patent save battery power prime air delivery 2 1200x0

Amazon drone deliveries may involve lots of shouting and frantic arm-waving

Another day, another patent from Amazon regarding its Prime Air delivery drone plan. This latest one seems to involve much shouting and arm-waving.
france trains eagles rogue drones golden eagle flight

Wind turbines have a bird murdering problem, but a solution is at hand

Researchers have developed smart technology that could help stop endangered eagles from flying into wind turbines.
portable brainwave scanner new brain 1  credit wellcome

This cyberpunk spartan helmet is actually a portable brainwave scanner

It may look like something out of The Phantom of the Opera, but this headgear is actually a wearable portable brain scanner.
raspberry boom kickstarter project eag7454

Forget weather stations; this gadget lets you monitor the entire planet

Newly landed on Kickstarter, Raspberry Boom is a citizen science project which provides you with a finely-tuned atmospheric monitor for your home.
new years eve plans heres prevent hangover beer 11 jpg

Beer made with gene-edited yeast provides hoppy taste without the hops

Researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, have developed new strains of yeast that can instill a hoppy flavor without the need for hops.
aerones super sized drone for industry

This super-sized drone has several tricks up its sleeve

Drones are entering a growing number of industries, with various designs allowing businesses to improve efficiency. Here's what Aerones has come up with.
eye tracking reader help human

A pioneering stem cell treatment restores eyesight in nearly blind patients

A pair of patients with severe vision loss have had their sight restored, courtesy of a pioneering trial using stem cells to regrow crucial tissues in the eye.
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LED baseball cap fools facial-recognition tech into thinking you’re someone else

Researchers in China have created an LED baseball cap that's able to trick facial-recognition systems into thinking that you're someone else.
The Manual’s quick reference guide to smoking meat

Love smoked meat? Scientists figured out how to make it better

Researchers have used a filter to remove some of the carcinogens from smoke. The result? Smoked food that's safer and tastier.
mit soft robotic fish sofi swimming with real fish2

MIT’s ocean-exploring robotic fish takes a test swim through a Fiji reef

Engineers at MIT have developed a soft robotic fish named SoFi, which they say can get closer to real fish by imitating their behavior.
the perfect smile

An A.I. distinguishes between biological males and females based on a smile

A new A.I. has found an accurate way of distinguishing between images of males and females -- by analyzing the way they smile.
rova app saving homeless man in hat

Stanford’s VR experience puts you in the shoes of one of California’s homeless

Can you promote empathy through VR? That's the goal of Becoming Homeless, a VR experience created by Stanford researchers.
lufthansa self boarding gates biometrics 504518

Board 350 passengers in 20 minutes? Facial recognition passes testing at LAX

To board a flight from LAX with the Lufthansa airline, you don't need your boarding pass, just your face with self-boarding gates.
print any image onto beer ripples  pint 1

This printer can create an image directly onto beer foam

A new printer lets bartenders show off by the ability to print edible ink directly onto the foam on a frosty glass of beer.
history of ai milestones header pepper softbank

Pepper’s next gig is at Pizza Hut, but the robot won’t be tossing any dough

Pepper the friendly humanoid robot has worked at a few places in its short life. Its latest gig is at a Pizza Hut in Singapore.
mit body on a chip organs 01 0

Drug testing could get a boost from MIT’s ‘body on a chip’

The "body on a chip" is made up of a microfluid medium that connects tissues engineered from up to ten different organs, allowing it to mimic mechanisms of the human body for weeks on end.
dissolving needles university texas screen shot 2018 03 19 at 21 49 05

Hate needles? These microscopic ones painlessly dissolve drugs in your skin

Researchers have created a new 3D printed dissolving microneedle array, which could offer a painless alternative to injections for those who hate needles.
halo board carbon edition review haloboard eskateboard drewrideside

Like a shark with a saddle, Halo Board is sleek, smooth, and insanely fun to ride

If you’re looking for a quiet, smooth-riding electric longboard, look no further than our Halo Board Carbon Edition review.
HaloBoard Carbon Edition review

Halo Board Carbon Edition review

us army smoke grenade visible ir gettyimages 709182385

Next-gen smoke grenade hides soldiers from enemy eyes — and thermal sensors, too

Researchers in the U.S. Army have developed a new type of experimental smoke grenade which can foil both visible and infrared detection.
surgeons train haptic vr 1 oculus lap dualdevice 2pax no banner

Haptic VR surgery isn’t for the faint of heart, but it could help surgeons

Fundamental VR is creating virtual reality training experiences for surgeons that uses cutting edge haptic tech. No pun intended.
origami arm drone origamidrone

Fold it, stretch it, grip it! An origami-inspired arm gives drones grip

Inspired by origami, the innovative robotic arm can be folded for transport and self-assemble into a rigid appendage when it’s needed for use.
billionaire aims to build worlds biggest battery tesla

Billionaire to build world’s biggest battery, beating Elon Musk’s effort

Elon Musk and his Tesla team switched on the world's biggest battery in South Australia last year. But there's an even bigger one on the way.
boeing test flight 737 max 7

Boeing 737 MAX 7 aircraft graces the skies for the first time

Boeing's family of 737 MAX passenger aircraft is growing, with the smallest MAX 7 recently taking to the skies for the very first time.
the future of food meat alternatives memphis meats burger

7 weird high-tech foods you might chow down on in the not-so-distant future

Forget science fiction! From lab-grown meat to genetically engineered algae, here are seven examples of high tech foods that really exist.

‘Just go outside!’ You can help NASA scientists by taking pictures of clouds

Satellites can't see everything, and so NASA is asking people around the world to take pictures of clouds in the sky and submit them to help verify orbital observations.
coca cola adding wi fi vending machines

State Department and Coca-Cola to use blockchain in fight against forced labor

In order to fight unfair labor practices, Coca-Cola and the State Department are turning to blockchain to help provide a means of securely validating contracts.

Federal Trade Commission brings the hammer down on crypto ponzi schemes

The FTC has filed a complaint against a three defendants who were allegedly involved in a ponzi scheme making use of cryptocurrency
stephen hawking earth done for humans 1000 years

Stephen Hawking’s last paper may lead to proof of a multiverse

Sadly, Stephen Hawking is no longer with us, but his legacy of discovery will live on. His final paper may even lead to proof of a multiverse

Airbus wants to bring down a defunct space station with a giant harpoon

Space is getting more and more crowded every year, and a cooperative European effort is underway to solve the problem. Airbus plans to test a space harpoon that could drag rogue spacecraft into the atmosphere.
ge9x test flight 1

GE just test flew the largest jet engine in existence — the GE9X

We may call the Boeing 747 a jumbo jet, but that airplane may soon seem like a pretty standard size once aircraft powered by the GE9X take to the skies.
attack submarine

Newest Navy attack sub uses an Xbox controller to operate its periscope

The USS Colorado, the Navy's newest attack submarine, includes an Xbox controller to operate its sophisticated dual periscopes.