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cornetto serial commitment

Rings from Cornetto want to enforce fidelity on TV-watching partners

Cornetto wants to put an end to a serious problem -- series cheating. Stop watching episodes without your significant other with Commitment Rings.
brutalist architecture algorithm 26365985090 492b9e368b k

These Inception-like cityscapes were designed autonomously by a computer program

Brown fed images of buildings into fractal equations, plugged random numbers into an algorithm, and generated cityscapes reminiscent of The Fifth Element.
asteroid spacecraft madeinspace

NASA just gave $100K to a company that wants to steer asteroids toward Earth

NASA has awarded funding to California-based company Made in Space to develop technology that may see asteroids become self-propelled spacecraft
midnight masters golf at night video news

Golf being played at night looks awesome. No, really.

army noise canceling headset tcaps soldier

The US Army’s new earbuds give soldiers tunable hearing, protection from loud noises

TCAPS, Tactical Communication, and Protective System, is a smart earbud designed by the Army to protect the hearing of its soldiers.
Toyota Plano, Texas, headquarters rendering

Toyota plans solar power system for new Texas HQ

Toyota plans to install a 7.75-megawatt solar power system at its new headquarters in Plano, Texas, with panels on the site's parking structures.
image sensor size matters camera

Olympus' experimental image sensor shoots color and near-infrared simultaneously

Two images, one sensor. New Olympus sensor, developed with the Tokyo Institute of Technology, captures color and near-infrared images simultaneously.
slip into a pair of adidas shoes made from ocean garbage 1

Adidas shoes made of recycled ocean plastic on sale this month

Adidas has created some new shoes made entirely from recycled ocean plastic, and they are going on sale this month.
eHang 184, most expensive drones

This proposed drone taxi service just took a big step toward becoming a reality


Digital dealers: Cadillac considering VR showrooms with headsets instead of cars

According to a new report, Cadillac is strongly considering the addition of virtual reality showrooms to its dealership network.
backpaix kickstarter

Backpaix lets you wear your emotions on your backpack

Backpacks on Kickstarter are a dime a dozen, but Backpaix changes things up a bit with a Smart Badge Display that could open up to more modules later on.
GPS over Earth

FAA warns that GPS on the West Coast may be unreliable due to secret tests this month

We don't know why the U.S. Navy is doing it, but pilots in the Southwest will need to be mindful they may not have GPS service on six days this month.
eyeforcer enforces good posture on device users techneck

Clever new wearable stops you from becoming a hunchback while you stare at your phone

Tech-neck, or Game Boy Disease is something all of us face difficulties with, but no more so than our youth: the EyeForcer wants to fix that.
worlds largest telescope e elt

Animation captures the massive scale of what will be the world’s largest telescope

How big will the world's biggest telescope be when completed? A newly released animation shows the telescope's massive scale.
everblume hydroponic indoor appliance rendering kitchen

Everblume puts your garden in a fridge, and it works

Growing food in your own home is becoming easier than ever, with Everblume potentially offering the simpleste sustainable solution.
white house livestream ai subcommittee washington dc

Live: You can stream the White House’s AI for Social Good workshop right now

Today’s workshop is co-hosted by the Computing Community Consortium in Washington, DC and will discuss the use of AI for social good.
nestor ai paying attention artificial intelligence

Robot overlords: Google researchers unveil framework for an AI 'kill switch'

To mitigate against AI's existential threat, Google researchers suggest designing a “kill switch” to inhibit systems from misbehaving in the first place.
seawolf 360 vr mini submarine

Flying is for suckers! These new mini-submarine drones take a GoPro underwater

TTRobotics, a water-bound drone alternative company, is working on the latest addition to its Seawolf line: a mini-submarine capable of 360-degree video.
astronauts enter expandable room bigelow beam module

Astronauts take us inside the space station’s new inflatable room for the first time

canon patent 1000mm lens diffractive optics b amp h1200

Canon could use Diffractive Optics tech to shrink a 1,000mm lens to half its size

Canon's latest patent shows off the optical design for a 1,000mm super-telephoto lens that uses Diffractive Optics.
pig organs aid human transpant patients 900x600

UC Davis biologists are trying to grow transplantable human organs inside of living pigs

Researchers from the University of California, Davis have injected human stem cells into the embryos of pigs in order to develop human organs.
superflex exoskeleton exosuit

For soldiers and old folks, the Superflex exosuit may help carry the load

Superflex is a soft exoskeleton that fits snuggly over the wearer's body and carries much of the load from the legs, arms, and torso.
heart attack photosynthesis leaf closeup

Second-gen bionic leaf creates fuel from sunlight, makes Mother Nature seem inefficient

Harvard researchers may have just found a solution to the planet's most pressing issues with a device dubbed “bionic leaf 2.0."
predator big wing predb fuelpods 2014 mockup

Next-generation ‘Big Wing’ Predator drone completes 37-hour test flight

The next generation Predator B "Big Wing" drone lives up to its name, successfully completing a challenging 37-hour long-endurance test flight.
marines laser weapons f16fighterjet

Future fighter pilot training may include brain surgery

Researchers from the University of Melbourne are developing a minimally invasive brain-machine interface that DARPA hopes to use in fighter jets.
tiny drop home on wheels tend building

Trailer or tiny home? The Tiny Drop is the best of both for off-the-grid living

Essentially a modified camping trailer, Tend Building's Tiny Drop is a sustainable off-grid house on wheels that any avid camper would drool over.
top tech stories 06 05 2016 weekly rewind 060516

Weekly Rewind: Facebook's alleged snooping, Tesla's new doors, coolest hotel rooms

In the tech world, a lot happens in a week. So much news goes on that it's almost impossible for mere mortals with real lives to keep track of everything.
awesome tech you cant buy yet soundlazer vr linky formbox 060516

Awesome Tech You Can’t Buy Yet: Folding skateboards, vacuum 3D modelers, and more

awake labs reveal fitness tracker autism 2

Forget counting steps: Reveal fitness tracker records stressors for autistic kids

Awake Labs has started an Indiegogo campaign for the Reveal, a fitness tracker aimed at tracking emotional triggers for autistic children.
fortified invincible theft resistant city bike

Designed by MIT entrepreneurs, Invincible is the ultimate city-proof bike

Fed up with trying to keep a bike in the city from being picked apart or stolen by thieves, MIT entrepreneurs designed Invincible, the city-proof bike.
smartslab smart kitchen table wired

Versatile SmartSlab tile table cooks and cools food, and seats six

Swedish design firm Kram/Weisshaar have produced a swipe-controlled kitchen table with a thin ceramic top that cooks and cools while seating six diners.
chile solar energy here  s how many panels we d need to provide power for the entire planet

Chile is giving away its surplus solar energy for free

Chile has become a prime example of why solar energy can be a blessing and a curse; good for consumers but bad for many businesses in the energy industry.
weekend workshop how to build a diy record player 060416

Weekend Workshop: Become a hipster and build this DIY vinyl record player

Vinyl records are in but instead of buying a record player off the shelf like every other bearded hipster, why not build your own DIY turntable? Here's how.
metamaterial lens developed harvard

New ‘metamaterial lens’ is 100,000-times thinner than conventional glass optics

Glass could be a thing of the past with this new metamaterial lens developed by Harvard researchers.