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the worlds biggest plane now has some rockets to launch stratolaunch

The world’s biggest plane now has some rockets to launch

Stratolaunch, the commercial space firm led by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, has unveiled a set of rocket-powered vehicles that will one day travel with the world's largest plane to launch satellites into space. The company said that getting satellites into space "will soon be as easy as booking an airline flight.”
tokyo 2020 olympics facial recognition

Scarily realistic ‘deep video portraits’ could take fake news to the next level

Researchers have developed a new deep learning A.I. system which is able to produce scarily realistic 'deep fake' videos -- right down to details like a person's eyebrows or eyes moving as they speak. Check it out in action, and get ready for the next face of fake news.

Cutting-edge paper-based battery is powered by electron-harvesting bacteria

Want to know what tomorrow's batteries could look like? Researchers from Binghamton University, State University of New York are busy developing a new type of paper-based battery, which is powered by electron-harvesting bacteria. Here's what they hope it will be used for.
droneshield dronegun

7 amazing anti-drone technologies designed to swat UAVs out of the sky

Whether it's delivering contraband to folks in prison, disrupting airports or taking pictures where they're not welcome, drones can be a major pain in the butt. Fortunately for those who think that way there's a growing number of smart anti-drone technologies. Here are 7 of the best.
spectacular twisting tower could become australias tallest building green spine 1

Spectacular twisting tower aims to become Australia’s tallest building

A spectacular twisting structure bedecked with trees and plants is aiming to become Australia's tallest building. The 356-meter-tall "Green Spine" was recently announced as the winner of an international competition and could become the focal point of Melbourne's skyline in the early 2020s.
lilium vtol personal jet aviation stadt takeoff

6 flying cars that you might actually be able to own (and fly) in your lifetime

Just like the way that cellphones used to be only for the rich, soon the idea of taking a personal flying machine to work is going to be a part of everyday life. Don't believe us? Here are six examples of personal flying cars and even a personal jetsuit that will help us commute.
ai anonymity

Art-inspired face blurring can obscure identity without losing humanity

seer robot super lifelike expressions screen shot 2018 08 17 at 20 45 40

Welcome to the uncanny valley: This robot head shows lifelike expressions

Created by Japanese artist Takayuki Todo, SEER is a robot head that is capable of recognizing the facial expressions of the people it interacts with and then mirroring their same expression back at them. Check it out in all its amazingly lifelike 'uncanny valley' glory.
vr alzheimers experience elderly hands

VR experience shows caregivers what it’s like to live with Alzheimer’s disease

Los Angeles-based Embodied Labs has developed a VR experience that puts users in the shoes of a person with Alzheimer’s disease, the most common type of dementia in the U.S. It follows Beatriz, a fictitious math teacher in her 60s, who is experiencing the effects of Alzheimer’s.
robot jerks make us more productive in the workplace

Experiment suggests that the best robot bosses could be jerks

Researchers from France’s University of Clermont Auvergne have been investigating how future robot bosses can coax the most productivity out of us flesh-and-blood employees. The sad answer? Quite possibly by behaving like jerks. It turns out this behavior may be more feature than bug.
lifeguard drone rescues struggling swimmer rescue

Watch as a ‘lifeguard drone’ rescues a swimmer struggling at sea

Specially designed drones are finding uses in a myriad of fields. They're saving lives, too, with a growing number of lifeguard organizations making use of the technology's ability to deploy flotation devices at speed, and offer an eye in the sky to survey the scene for incoming human rescuers.
Boring Company's first photo

Elon Musk’s Boring Company wants to dig a tunnel to Dodger Stadium

Elon Musk's Boring Company wants to build a high-speed transportation tunnel connecting Dodger Stadium to a nearby Metro station. The so-called "Dugout Loop" aims to cut traffic congestion and would run 150-mph passenger pods between the stadium and a terminus several miles to the west.
mona lisa bacteria monalisa2

Genetically engineered bacteria paint microscopic masterpieces

By engineering E. coli bacteria to respond to light, scientists have guided it like tiny drones toward patterns that depict Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. The researchers want to show that these engineered bacteria may someday be used as “microbricks" and microscopic living propellors.
university of michigan ceramic lithium ion battery burning phone

Engineers have made a new type of lithium battery that won’t explode

While statistically rare, the lithium-ion batteries used in mobile devices have been known to burst into flames. Researchers from University of Michigan have developed a new type of lithium battery that not only won't explode, but also doubles the output of previous batteries.
aerogel mars colonization beer with spill

Science says waste beer could help us live on Mars

Scientists at the University of Colorado Boulder have developed a new super-insulating gel, created from beer waste, which could one day be used for building greenhouse-like habitats on Mars. Here's how it works, and why this is such a promising material both on Earth and beyond.
project fi travel trolley sjc get there early

Regular Wi-Fi can accurately detect bombs, chemicals, and weapons in bags

X-ray machines, surveillance cameras, and bag searches have all become commonplace when it comes to security in public venues. But researchers from three U.S. universities may have found a different way to detect suspicious items: regular Wi-Fi. Here's how their smart security system works.
los angeles subway to use body scanners thruvision scanner

Los Angeles subway to become first in the U.S. to use body scanners

Los Angeles is set to become the first U.S. city to use body scanners on its subway. The machines are portable and quick to set up, and can check around 2,000 people an hour without causing lines or delays for passengers. The new security measure will be put in place later this year, according to the city's MTA.
phantom limb trick brai export 5

Scientists try to trick brains of amputees with phantom limb syndrome

New research out of École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland might help some amputees better mesh what they see with what they feel. In a recently published paper, the researchers show how an amputee’s brain can be tricked into believing that a prosthetic hand belongs to their own body.
hack into police body cams gettyimages 99275932

Police body cams are scarily easy to hack into and manipulate, researcher finds

Speaking at the annual hacker conference DefCon, Nuix cybersecurity expert Josh Mitchell recently demonstrated how it is possible to easily hack into and potentially manipulate footage from police body cams. Here's why that's such a problem, and what could be done about it.
robot arm electric car charging roboterladen1 by ftg tugraz 1

This robot arm could soon recharge your electric car, no driver effort required

Researchers in Austria have developed a charging technology for electric cars that's sure to impress even the most seasoned of gas guzzlers. It involves a smart robotic charger that can automatically plug itself into any electric vehicle, no driver effort required whatsoever.
yuneec mantis q announced mq lifestyle  9

Meet the Mantis Q: A drone you can control by yelling, waving, or even smiling

"Mantis, take a picture." Yuneec's new consumer drone, the Yuneec Mantis Q, responds to voice commands along with gestures and smiles. The 4K drone also integrates several different flight modes and safety features inside a one-pound, foldable drone. The drone is also set to compete at a $500 price point.
new freezing tech organ preservation gettyimages 692912674

A new way to ‘freeze’ water could help transform organ preservation

Scientists from Massachusetts General Hospital have developed a new way of maintaining water and water-based solutions in their liquid form for long periods of time, at temperatures far below the usual freezing point. Here's why that could help transform organ preservation.
reeboks newest sneaker made from cotton and corn reebok shoe

Cotton and corn! Reebok’s newest sneaker is ‘made from things that grow’

Keen to move away from using oil-based materials to make its shoes, Reebok's latest design features a woven upper made from organic cotton, a base originating from industrial-grown corn, and an insole using castor bean oil. No dyes have been used, either, and the packaging is 100 percent recyclable.
lyd no spill

Lyd is a battery-powered, ‘no-spill’ bottle that is activated by your lips

Lyd is a battery-powered bottle that’s something like a sippy cup for adults. Its no-spill solution is a specialized lid that uses an algorithm to detect when your lips are on the bottle. If you’re the type of grownup who constantly spills beverages on yourself, this may be perfect for you.
california academy of sciences 3d specimen

A treasure trove of 3D scientific specimens is now free to see online

Thanks to the California Academy of Sciences, you can access more than 700 scientific specimens and artifacts from its world-class collection via the online 3D and virtual reality platform Sketchfab. The collection includes items like an assortment of rare bones, Navajo bracelets, and intricate basketry.
aerial biped robot university of tokyo mzewotqxmg

Bizarre stork robot uses a drone to compensate for its weak, twig-like legs

Developed by engineers from Japan’s University of Tokyo, Aerial Biped is a robot whose top half is comprised of a flying quadrotor UAV that's rooted to the ground by thin, stork-like legs. The unusual design means that, at least in theory, it should be incapable of taking a tumble.
this robot ties shoelaces shoelace

Forget flying cars: This shoe-tying robot is proof that the future is here

Mechanical engineering students from the University of California, Davis’ College of Engineering recently built a robot whose sole personality in life is to tie shoelaces. It cost them under $600 to do it, as well! Check it out in all its highly automated, knot-tying glory.
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The world’s first practical quantum computer has cash and a timeline

The dream of building a practical quantum computer could be closer than ever, thanks to a $15 million grant from the National Science Foundation to seven universities around the United States. The money will be used to develop quantum computing hardware and software over a five-year period.
omega centauri life heic0910g

Omega Centauri hosts 10 million stars and probably not an ounce of life

Omega Centauri is a sight to behold. It contains some 10 million stars, making it the largest globular cluster in the Milky Way. And at about 16,000 light years away, it is visible to the naked eye and a prime object of observation for professional astronomers. But does it host life?
art machine swirling galaxy 422 auto kopie

Be a master of your own ever-changing ‘galaxy’ with this kinetic wall art

Created by Germany-based former automotive engineer Robert Spillner, Art Machine is a stunning work of kinetic art that looks like a continuously swirling galaxy or turbulent weather formation viewed through a ship's porthole. Check it out in all its attention-grabbing glory.
lidar tech truck safety semi 18 wheeler sunrise on highway

How lidar technology is working to enhance trucking safety

If you’ve ever seen a semi-truck crash, you know it’s bad. Even highly trained drivers have to manage unpredictable traffic and weather conditions while piloting an 80,000-pound rig. Here’s how lidar technology companies are helping make trucking safer today with the human driver as a partner.
masterkey virtual keyboard projector kickstarter screen shot 2018 08 13 at 18 20 42

No keyboard? No problem. Masterkey will project you a virtual one to type on

Miss having a physical keyboard when you're out and about? Wish you could have a mobile display that's bigger than your smartphone can offer? Masterkey 4.0 is a wireless projector capable of both projecting a functioning keyboard onto a surface and a display onto a nearby wall.
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Stanford A.I. can realistically score computer animations just by watching them

Researchers at Stanford University have developed a computer system that’s able to synthesize realistic sounds for 3D animation, based entirely on the images it sees and its knowledge of the physical world. The results promise synthesized sounds at the touch of a button.
Dr. Josiah Zayner

‘Rogue medicine in a bathtub’: 4 experts on the vice and virtue of pharma hacking

A biohacker, pharmahacker, and two bioethicists walk into a bar. We ordered them a metaphorical round and had a chat about the risks and rewards of DIY medicine — from unsanctioned gene therapy to medication made on the kitchen counter.