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How to get the free Twitch Glitch pet in Among Us

Among Us is still going strong, even as 2020 draws to a close. Starting from its meteoric rise to fame in the middle of the year, Among Us has remained one of the most popular games on Steam, and we can only assume it’s performing just as well on Android and iOS (maybe even a little better).

In fact, the game has gotten so popular that Twitch Rivals — Twitch’s tournament series focused on streamers — is now running Among Us events. Even better, Twitch is drawing new players in by offering a free Twitch Glitch pet in Among Us — “Glitch” is the name of the Twitch logo — for players who watch a Twitch Rivals Among Us stream from now until December 18.

Although watching a stream is most of what you need to do, there are a few other steps you’ll need to take to bring along Glitch during your tasks. In this guide, we’re going to show you how to get the free Twitch Glitch pet in Among Us.  

Further reading

Step 1: Watch a Twitch Rival Among Us stream

As mentioned, the Twitch Glitch pet in Among Us is meant to promote the Twitch Rivals Among Us Showdown happening from December 4 to December 18. Twitch Rivals is a tournament series, so Among Us isn’t the only game on the docket. Twitch will also have Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Call of Duty: Warzone, and Fortnite streams lined up for the end of the year. Make sure to check the official schedule so you know when to tune in.

The only other thing you need to do is watch a Twitch Rivals Among Us stream for at least 30 minutes, assuming you have a Twitch account. If you don’t, make sure to create a Twitch account before watching the stream. You’ll need to connect that account to Among Us later.

Step 2: Claim your new pet

Once you’ve watched Among Us on Twitch Rivals for at least 30 minutes, you should see a Claim button show up in the chat panel of the stream. Select it to claim your reward and add the Glitch pet to your inventory.

Chat moves fast, though, so there’s another way to claim your pet in case you miss the button. After the required 30 minutes, select your profile by clicking the profile icon in the top right corner, then select Drops. On the next screen, make sure that the Inventory tab is selected, and you should see the Glitch pet there. Select Claim to add it to your account.

Step 3: Connect your Twitch account

Oddly, the last thing need to do is connect your Twitch account with Among Us. Regardless if you’re playing on Steam, iOS, or Android, boot up Among Us and select the Settings icon on the home screen. Then, select the Data tab and look for the Twitch Glitch icon in the bottom left corner. Select it.

You’ll be brought to a Twitch login screen. Log in to your account, then select Authorize on the next screen to connect Among Us to your Twitch account. As long as you watched at least 30 minutes and you redeemed the pet through chat or through your inventory, you should find it in your cosmetic options inside an Among Us lobby.

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Jacob Roach
Senior Staff Writer, Computing
Jacob Roach is a writer covering computing and gaming at Digital Trends. After realizing Crysis wouldn't run on a laptop, he…
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Where to find the horse
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Where to find the bird
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Where to find the beetle
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