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The console wars are back and worse than ever

When I was a kid, I was a soldier for Nintendo. I was fiercely loyal to the Nintendo GameCube, so much so that I was visibly angry when my parents pranked me on Christmas by pretending they were giving me an Xbox instead. It was a criminal offense in the heat of the console wars.

“Console war” is a term widely used to describe competition between game console manufacturers. It became a household phrase when the Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis went to war for TV supremacy. Sega famously ran ads taking direct shots at Nintendo, saying “Genesis does what Nintendon’t.” That heated competition was present through multiple console generations and especially heated up when it became a three-way race among Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo.

Genesis does what Nintendon't!

Today, most level-headed gamers would tell you that the console wars largely ended by the 2010s. Nintendo broke off into its own niche, while Sony and Microsoft started learning how to play nice via cross-platform support. Even with ardent loyalists hanging out in their Twitter foxholes, the world had learned that multiple consoles could peacefully coexist.

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That changed this week. Microsoft’s announcement that it plans to acquire Activision Blizzard is the shot heard ’round the world. It’s an aggressive move that signals Console World War II is imminent — and this time, the stakes are much higher.

The first battle

The first iteration of the “console wars” was tame by today’s standards. For the most part, it heavily revolved around exclusive games. Consoles were defined by how good their first-party libraries were, which gave fans a quantitative metric to measure a system’s success. When a console landed a third-party exclusive, it was lauded as an existential win, showing how strong one company’s pull was.

Despite feeling intense at the time, much of it was good natured. Companies would take jabs at one another in ads, fanboys would argue on message boards, and magazines would make retroactively hysterical claims like, “Mario, Sonic … prepare for war. Blinx is here!”

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— Barely Frequent Blinx Facts (@barelyblinx) March 31, 2021

The console wars began to die down when Nintendo launched the Wii. The motion-controlled system was an admission that Nintendo no longer saw itself as being in competition with Microsoft and Sony. It was offering completely different experiences, and that helped the public accept the idea that a Wii and Xbox 360 could live under one roof.

Sony retained an isolationist mindset through much of the 2010s, refusing to give in to cross-platform play. It would eventually cave after increased pressure from players, breaking down the last barrier. With Microsoft focusing on selling Game Pass as a service and Sony doubling down on cinematic exclusives, both companies were taking different enough approaches that they weren’t really at odds with one another.

That ceasefire pulled us into a false sense of security. Now a whole new generation of gamers are about to relive history.

War never changes

In 2020, it became clear that the skies were darkening once again. When Microsoft announced its intentions to acquire Bethesda, gamers were stunned. Buying IPs like Doom, Wolfenstein, and The Elder Scrolls felt like an uncharacteristically aggressive move in the modern era. Microsoft tried to downplay worries that it would lead to exclusivity, before backtracking entirely and confirming Xbox would become the exclusive home for Bethesda games.

That news set off a small arms race. Sony locked down a few studios of its own, though nothing on Bethesda’s scale. Instead, Sony merely formalized its relationships with studios it had a strong working relationship with already. If Microsoft was going to take Bethesda games off PlayStation, the least it could do was fortify its first-party stronghold.

But the Activision Blizzard news is a cannonball straight through Sony’s fortress. With Call of Duty, Overwatch, and even PlayStation icon Crash Bandicoot now potentially exclusive to Xbox, it’s clear that Microsoft means war. Adding value to Xbox Game Pass by landing high-profile games is one thing; taking those games away from its competitors to do so is a whole different beast.

It’s the kind of move that can only lead to retaliation. Sony will be forced to preemptively snatch up some publishers to avoid further damage. Meanwhile, it gives fanboys on both sides plenty of kerosene. Xbox supporters will use the news to tease PlayStation owners about how “Xbox has the better games” while PlayStation fans will take the moral high ground by slamming Microsoft’s impending monopoly. It’s going to get ugly.

What’s upsetting about the potential return to the console wars is that it’s a lot less harmless this time. Back in the ’90s, we were arguing over which cartoon mascot was better than Mario. Today, we’re watching gigantic corporations vacuum up companies in a way that risks industry monopolization. Imagine if every major publisher, from EA to Sega, was owned by one of two companies. It’s a government intervention in the making.

None of this should be celebrated, but console tribalism will cause blind fans to excuse it. Once we start rooting for corporate consolidation like we’d cheer for the New England Patriots, gaming fandom will have truly lost any soul it had left.

If we really are entering a new era of console wars, the best side to take isn’t with Sony or Microsoft. Anyone who loves video games and wants to see the industry grow should be critical of practices like this, regardless of what console they own. When corporations pit us against one another, it only takes our eyes off the real battles worth fighting.

Giovanni Colantonio
Giovanni is a writer and video producer focusing on happenings in the video game industry. He has contributed stories to…
U.K. wants Call of Duty removed from Microsoft’s Activision acquisition
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2.

Microsoft has hit a major roadblock in its attempt to acquire Activision Blizzard, as the UK's Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has determined that the deal "could harm U.K. gamers." For the deal to go through, the CWA is suggesting some major concessions, like Activision Blizzard divesting in the Call of Duty or Activision segments of its business ahead of the acquisition.
A notice of possible remedies document asks Activision Blizzard to do one of the following three things if it doesn't want the acquisition to be potentially prohibited. 

"Divestiture of the business associated with Call of Duty."
"Divestiture of the Activision segment of Activision Blizzard, Inc., which would include the business associated with Call of Duty."
"Divestiture of the Activision segment and the Blizzard segment of Activision Blizzard Inc., which would include the business associated with Call of Duty and World of Warcraft, among other titles."

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This console generation isn’t about games or hardware. It’s about services
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It’s been over two years since the start of the current console generation, which launched with a rocky start at the end of 2020. You'd think it's been more than long enough to understand what it's all about, but for many, there's still confusion. That might be changing this year. As Tomas Franzese wrote earlier this month, 2023 could be the year where we finally see what games define this generation’s consoles, at least in terms of exclusives. He also noted that games could stop being cross-platform, launching on just current-gen consoles instead of simultaneously on last-gen ones.

While that'll finally give us some memorable games, it doesn't bring us closer to defining the hardware itself. Besides a few extra teraflops and new ultra-fast SSDs, there isn’t much that helps the PS5 and Xbox Series X and S stand out from their predecessors. Sure, the PS5 looks like a giant spaceship, and the Xbox Series X is built like a fridge, but we didn’t know what these devices could offer that the PS4 and Xbox One couldn’t besides some pretty lighting effects and virtually non-existent loading times.

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FTC files lawsuit to block Microsoft’s Activision Blizzard acquisition
Lilith appears in a Church in Diablo 4.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) will sue Microsoft to block its acquisition of Call of Duty and World of Warcraft publisher Activision Blizzard.
A 3-to-1 vote ultimately determined the FTC's decision to issue the lawsuit as the commission fears that the deal would give Microsoft an unfair advantage in the gaming industry and hurt innovation. FTC Bureau of Competition Director Holly Vedova explained the FTC's intent in a press release.
"Microsoft has already shown that it can and will withhold content from its gaming rivals," she said. "Today, we seek to stop Microsoft from gaining control over a leading independent game studio and using it to harm competition in multiple dynamic and fast-growing gaming markets."
That press release also highlights the FTC's belief that Microsoft's acquisition of ZeniMax Media is problematic due to a track record of "using valuable gaming content to suppress competition from rival consoles." In addition, after the Activision Blizzard acquisition, Microsoft could potentially "harm competition by manipulating Activision’s pricing, degrading Activision’s game quality or player experience on rival consoles and gaming services, changing the terms and timing of access to Activision’s content, or withholding content from competitors entirely."
This $69 billion acquisition has dominated gaming industry headlines all year as Microsoft has been doing all it can to make the deal seem favorable to the industry. As recently as December 6, Head of Xbox Phil Spencer emphasized the potential positives of this acquisition, confirming plans to continue to bring Call of Duty to Nintendo platforms and Steam for 10 years if the Activision Blizzard merger is complete.
By filing this complaint, the FTC begins proceedings that will result in a hearing and trial before an administrative law judge to determine whether or not Microsoft will acquire Activision Blizzard. 

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