The Mana franchise has been charming dedicated role-playing enthusiasts for many decades now, often flying under the radar of mainstream audiences. However, its newest title may be its most accessible entry to date. Visions of Mana is a gorgeous, sprawling adventure with a lovable cast of characters and an abundance of things to see and do. And since it functions as a reboot of sorts of the series, it’s the best time ever for new players to jump on board and see what longtime Mana fans have been enjoying all these years.
If you’re considering taking a look at this exciting new RPG and want to know how long the journey will take you, we’ve got the answer for you below. Here’s how long it takes to beat Visions of Mana.
How long is Visions of Mana?
If your main goal is to simply roll credits on Visions of Mana without dipping your toes into much of its optional content, you can wrap up the main story in around 30 hours or so. Of course, if you’re playing on the game’s hardest difficulty, you may find that it adds some additional time to your playthrough.
But there’s a staggering amount of additional stuff to do in Visions of Mana that can add many hours of playtime to your experience, including tons of sidequests and optional challenges — not to mention a lengthy trophy/achievement list that asks you to work through a variety of miscellaneous tasks. As such, completionists can expect to spend 60 to 70 hours clearing everything Visions of Mana has to offer.