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I can’t stop pranking my opponents in Marvel Snap

A lot of video games have made me laugh this year. Trombone Champ had me rolling on the floor from the moment I first heard its nasty toots on my Twitter timeline. I got some good chuckles from hearing Rabbid Mario rattle off Italian gibberish in Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope. The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe slayed me with its sharp meta humor, only to crush my soul with its damning satire on the current “content era.”


Though no game released this year has me laughing as consistently as Marvel Snap. That might be a confusing claim at first glance considering the mobile release is a collectible card game built around turn-based strategy. Plopping down cards with superhero art on them to try and out-math your opponent to win zones doesn’t exactly sound funny on paper.

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However, Marvel Snap excels at comedy in two important ways. One is intended, with clever in-jokes about Marvel’s mightiest heroes baked into card abilities. The other is a more emergent form of comedy, one that turns every battle into a series of pranks where players have to one-up each other to win.

That’s comedy!

The more you know about Marvel heroes heading into Marvel Snap, the funnier it’ll be right out the gate. Each superhero card comes with its own specific ability that represents the character in some way — and often it’s a small joke. Ant-Man is a measly one-power card, but when three other cards sit around him, he gets an additional three power, implying that he’s grown into Giant Man. Meanwhile, Squirrel Girl has the power to summon common squirrels in zones, which is delightfully silly the first time you encounter it.

The space thjone location in Marvel Snap.

Locations have some similarly subtle comedy to them. I get a chuckle out of the fact that playing a card at Fisk Tower immediately destroys it, as if Kingpin’s goons are waiting at the door to ambush any unsuspecting superhero who waltzes in. There’s also the Washington D.C. location, which automatically grants cards with no abilities or special skills three power. I’ll let you draw your own conclusions about what that gag is getting at.

While those little jokes make for some good smirks, what really has me laughing while playing Marvel Snap is the almost accidental comedy that comes from the game’s myriad of interactions colliding. The card game is all about strategically playing around both card and location abilities, trying to find smart ways to get the most out of the hand you’re dealt in every circumstance. The key to victory is a flexible approach that’s open to experimenting rather than trying to execute the same strategy over and over.A Marvel Snap board shows a player winning by playing four Rocket Raccoon cards.

The more I step outside of my comfort zone and say “What happens if I do this?” the more I find myself stumbling into absurd plays. A recent example came from this when playing a round that featured the Cloning Vats location, which duplicates any card that’s played on it. To start one game I played a Rocket Raccoon card, which gets two extra power if the opponent plays a card there, too. My little buddy was buffed up to a three-power card and another was placed in my hand. I decided to push my luck by playing it there again, which is when my opponent made a counterplay with Elektra, killing a one-cost card.

Big mistake.

What followed was an almost troll-like back and forth where I’d play a Rocket clone, it would gain another two power because my opponent played an Elektra card to counter it, Elektra would kill Rocket, and he’d return to my hand with even more power. That cycle repeated a few times, until I suddenly had a one-cost, 10-power card that I could play on my fully open Cloning Vats. I won the game after playing four clones of Rocket Racoon total, giving me forty power between them. It felt true to the character: a snide jerk that would be laughing his tail off in that situation. I couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it all.

That experience is common in Marvel Snap, which is why you may be seeing players tweeting out screenshots of some of their games these days. Unbelievable things tend to happen in a round and you can’t help but want to share them, even if just to have someone confirm that you didn’t hallucinate some absurd play. When one round ended with me summoning six tigers by augmenting White Tiger’s reveal ability, I rushed to take a screenshot and send it to some friends to chuckle at the mess I’d created.

It’s the eye of the tiger / it’s the thrill of the tiger.

— Giovanni Colantonio (@MarioPrime) November 2, 2022

Those moments are what have kept me coming back to Marvel Snap every day since its launch. Any time I load it up, I run into some sort of absurd, trolling setup that just has me laughing. Anytime I see someone drop a Hulkbuster on Bar Sinister, creating four copies of it and forcing me to sit through a long loop of animations as they all reinforce one another, it feels like someone is playing a good prank on me. I have no choice but to up my game and hit them with one better.

Marvel Snap is now available on iOS and Android.

Giovanni Colantonio
Giovanni is a writer and video producer focusing on happenings in the video game industry. He has contributed stories to…
Marvel Snap’s Friendly Battles set a new bar for its post-launch support
marvel snap friendly battle mode impressions key art

I’ve been hooked on Marvel Snap ever since I gained access to its beta in May 2022. The core, fast-paced gameplay has allowed the card game to sustain itself on just one match type and very few game-changing updates outside of the Token Shop. That feeling probably won’t last forever, though. If Second Dinner wants to keep the Marvel game relevant after a strong launch period, it needs to keep expanding and spicing it up in exciting new ways. The new Friendly Battle is a solid first step for that.
MARVEL SNAP's NEWEST Feature | BATTLE MODE | Play With Friends Now!
Marvel Snap’s developers teased a Friendly Battle mode that allows players to create private games with friends for a long time. The mode finally arrived on January 31 and lived up to expectations. In fact, playing it whetted my appetite for the future of Marvel Snap as I think about how the game could expand and improve with more social systems and modes to keep players coming back for years to come.
The strengths of Friendly Battle mode
Marvel Snap’s Friendly Battle mode utilizes the same six turn, location, and card ability-based formula Digital Trends has praised thoroughly. What’s different is the length of the fights and who you can compete against. Typically, matchmaking is random, but Friendly Battle allows players to Create and Join matches via a generated Match Code. This means there is finally an easy way to play Marvel Snap with your friends, showing off your deck or testing new strategies with them.
These aren’t just one-and-done matches like normal, though. Instead, each player takes one of their decks into a round-based battle where they start with 10 health. Whoever loses each round will also lose health equal to the Cube Value. This keeps going until one player runs out of health, with higher Cube Value stakes from Round Five and onwards, ensuring that Friendly Battle retains the speediness of the default game mode. The health-based setup is an enjoyable variation of Marvel Snap’s core formula.
It gives another purpose to snapping during a match outside of account progression. Meanwhile, the round-based setup allows players to stretch their strategic muscles as they adapt to each new round, finding the opposing deck’s weaknesses and trying to avoid their own. Plus, even when I was joining games using codes players posted on Marvel Snap’s Discord, there was a greater sense of community in discovering what decks other players were using and communicating with my opponent more via the in-game messages and emotes.

Seeing the strengths of Friendly Battle mode, it has become evident what elements of the game the developers need to focus on and expand going forward.
Setting a precedent 
Looking at games like Magic: The Gathering and Hearthstone, their communities are what have allowed those card games to stand the test of time. Marvel Snap may be just as good as those from a gameplay standpoint, but it needs interested players to continue supporting it over the long term if it wants to be more than the mobile gaming fad. With players getting increasingly mad at its microtransactions and progression, it is a critical time to renew interest.
Friendly Battle is an excellent first step for that. This new mode finally gives Marvel Snap players a more direct way to connect and potentially set up tournaments that can keep the competitive scene alive. Second Dinner still needs to add more social features in-game, though. Second Dinner teased that it considering the addition of Player Guilds last year, and being able to join a Guild or at least Friend another player’s account would encourage players to stick around and play and socialize with their friends more.
Being able to trade cards with other players is a feature I’d like to see because of how odd Marvel Snap’s progression is. For something like that to work, though, Guilds or an account friending system are necessary prior additions. The necessity of a dedicated social community of players also means that the developers must add more new modes so veterans have a reason to stick around and new players have new reasons to join.  

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