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Marvel’s Ant-Man claims Man of Steel 2’s original release date

marvels ant man claims steel 2s original release date

Although the news of Man of Steel 2 (aka Batman vs Superman) being delayed was disappointing to many, there was one group that seems happy to see it go. Following the shift of the DC Comics/Warner Bros. Superman film from July 17, 2015 to May 2016, Marvel Studios has jumped in and taken that date for director Edgar Wright’s Ant-Man, the studio confirms.

It’s been a busy month for Ant-Man. After months of pre-production, Marvel announced both the casting of Paul Rudd and Michael Douglas, who will play current Ant-Man Scott Lang and former Ant-Man Hank Pym, respectively. The casting news not only gave us a glimpse at who the faces of that franchise will be, it also helped to fill in some of the details regarding the plot. There is still a lot we don’t know, but the casting alone confirms that the story will feature two characters that both have been Ant-Man. 

Originally scheduled for July 31, 2015, Ant-Man will now debut two weeks earlier. Marvel didn’t give a specific reason, but those involved should be happy to know they will no longer have to compete directly in the shadow of DC’s highly visible superhero project. It will, however, now go head-to-head with Warner Bros.’ Peter Pan retelling, Pan, directed by Joe Wright ( Hanna, Atonement), and starring Hugh Jackman and Garrett Hedlund. Pan moved up to the July 17 spot following Man of Steel 2‘s release date change.

Regardless of the changed calendar, 2015 is shaping up to be a big one for Marvel Studios specifically, and Marvel characters on film in general. Along with Ant-Man, Avengers: Age of Ultron is scheduled for May 1, 2015, and the Fantastic Four reboot is set for June 19, 2015. Although the Fantastic Four film will be released by Fox, its presence on the calendar means there will be a new film based on Marvel properties coming to theaters for three months in a row.

Ant-Man kicks off Marvel’s Phase Three, although it isn’t known yet which films and characters will fill out the rest. A Doctor Strange film has been mentioned – often – but so far there hasn’t been any official word. Marvel has already staked out two more dates in the future though. It will release films on July 8, 2016, and May 5, 2017 (and possibly other dates), but which films will appear on those dates hasn’t been announced, and may not have even been decided yet.

Ryan Fleming
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Ryan Fleming is the Gaming and Cinema Editor for Digital Trends. He joined the DT staff in 2009 after spending time covering…
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 has instant open-world character switching
Peter and Miles perched next to each other in Marvel's Spider-Man 2.

Insomniac Games has finally confirmed whether or not players will be able to switch between the two playable versions of Spider-Man while exploring the open world of Marvel's Spider-Man 2.

Ever since it was confirmed that Peter Parker and Miles Morales would both be playable in Marvel's Spider-Man 2, the question of whether or not players would be able to switch between them at any time in the open world arose. Although Marvel's Spider-Man 2's gameplay debut at the PlayStation Showcase didn't confirm whether or not that was the case, Creative Director Bryan Intihar revealed the answer in an interview with Eurogamer: yes, you can. 
"We have content designed around Peter, we have content designed around Miles, and we have content where you can play either. You'll be able to -- in the open world -- freely switch between them with a simple button press," Intihar confirmed. Insomniac Games also confirmed to Eurogamer that Peter and Miles will each have their own skill tree, although they will also share a third. For the most part, it looks like players will have a lot of freedom about how and with whom they want to tackle any sort of open-world objectives or sidequests.
Things will get a little more restrictive during more linear story missions, like the one we saw during the PlayStation Showcase, though. "When you're playing the main story, we control when you switch between Pete and Miles ... it's done in service to the story when we're making those switches, for sure," Intihar told Eurogamer. "So, as you saw on that gameplay reveal, which is a segment of the main story, we are predetermining those based on what we want to do for how the story plays out."
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 will be released exclusively for PlayStation 5 sometime this fall.

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Dragon’s Dogma 2: release date speculation, trailers, gameplay, and more
Dragon's Dogma 2 key art featuring a knight with a fiery hole in their chest.

In a world where even the smallest audiences are being catered to with sequels like Neo: The World Ends With You and No More Heroes 3, there's basically no game that doesn't have a chance to come back in some form. In one of the latest examples, a small but passionate fanbase has been waiting patiently for a sequel to the very ambitious Dragon's Dogma. This action RPG came out next to some stiff competition in 2012, and despite having some great mechanics and systems plus a re-release, it never hit mainstream success. With the creator and director moving on to work on other games, this series was presumed dead for a long time.

As soon as Capcom announced that it would be celebrating the 10-year anniversary of Dragon's Dogma, fans immediately predicted the announcement of a sequel. After all, why else would Capcom celebrate an anniversary for a franchise it had no intention of continuing? As it turns out, we were all correct. Dragon's Dogma 2 is finally being worked on. The excitement of this announcement has spilled out beyond the fans of the original, leading many to wonder why they should be excited about this sequel. For all that and more, here's everything we know about Dragon's Dogma 2.
Release window

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Alan Wake 2: release date, trailers, gameplay, preorder, and more
Alan Wake.

The original Alan Wake is a game that went through quite a troubled development before it was finally released. After many iterations and changes in scope and direction, the final product was initially a cult hit but didn't hit the mass market it needed -- at least not initially. After two DLC episodes, a sequel was in the works to build upon the first game and revive some of the elements that had to be cut from the first in order for it to ship, but this was ultimately not meant to be. The sequel was canceled and a smaller downloadable game, Alan Wake's American Nightmare, was released instead.

Since then, we hadn't heard from our intrepid writer until he showed up in a very unlikely place. Featured in the AWE expansion for a completely different game, Control, Alan was back in the picture. With a remaster of the initial game catching everyone up on his first appearance, now was the perfect time to announce that the long-awaited sequel was back in development. We haven't found all the manuscript pages yet, but here is everything we know about Alan Wake 2.
Release date

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