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Electronic Arts announces ‘initiative’ bearing ‘Mass Effect: Andromeda’ mission info

MASS EFFECT™: ANDROMEDA – Join the Andromeda Initiative
Electronic Arts has announced the “Andromeda Initiative,” a program that promises additional “mission information” and other opportunities related to Mass Effect: Andromeda to registered members.

“The Andromeda Initiative is currently seeking recruits,” EA said on the program’s website, possibly referring to in-game characters. “Registered recruits will be among the first contacted to receive critical mission information, special training opportunities, and will also be eligible for reward upon program completion. Orientation begins November 7.”

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It’s worth noting that November 7 is “N7 Day,” an event BioWare and its fans use to celebrate all things Mass Effect.

The announcement also comes with a cryptic teaser trailer that serves more as a celebration of mankind’s ability to reach distant planets than it does explaining what the “Andromeda Initiative” happens to be.

“This path began a long time ago. A course paved through human history that took us across continents, oceans, and ultimately, to the stars,” the narrator states in the teaser. “For us, this planet is home. It has protected us, challenged us, and provided us the foundation to become galactic citizens. But the time has come to prepare ourselves for a future beyond the Milky Way.”

As the camera zooms out from the planet, we see a space station that bears a striking resemblance to the Crucible from the original trilogy. Given the narrative implications of using this piece of technology so far from Earth, we could be in for a wild ride.

Mass Effect: Andromeda will be launching in early 2017, and information released by book publisher Dark Horse suggests its final date may be March 21. A set of novels from Titan Books is also scheduled to release over the next two years. The title of the first one? Mass Effect: Andromeda – Initiative.” We’re hoping BioWare has more to announce than information on a book next week.

Gabe Gurwin
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Gabe Gurwin has been playing games since 1997, beginning with the N64 and the Super Nintendo. He began his journalism career…

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The next Mass Effect gets a new teaser on N7 Day
A screen grab from the N7 Day 2023 Mass Effect teaser.


Update: BioWare still had another surprise up its sleeve for this N7 Day, with multiple countdown timers on its website slowly ending and revealing clips from a new teaser. They now all seem to be out, and the official Mass Effect YouTube channel has posted the full video titled "N7 Day 2023." In it, we see a character walking through a hangar. They then turn around, revealing a jacket with the N7 logo on it, but a helmet obscures their identity. They then take out a gun, walk out toward the alien planet, and the title card saying Mass Effect appears. Mike Gamble tweeted out the video, saying, "look closely." Check out the full video below, followed by the original article.
N7 Day 2023
It's November 7, 2023, which means it's also N7 Day, where EA and BioWare celebrate the Mass Effect series, which has a new game in development. While we didn't get any new art or another trailer this year, a message from Mike Gamble, Mass Effect franchise director and executive producer, does tease story elements for the next mainline Mass Effect game.
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