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Been there, done that: Nintendo’s short-term plan is ‘follow the leader’

nintendo nx mobile games e3 2015 stale ideas for reinvention
Nintendo President Satoru Iwata

What are we going to do with you, Nintendo? This week, President Satoru Iwata attempted to explain what will be done to stop the bleeding caused by the Wii U’s poor performance as he stood before weary investors in Tokyo. He announced a multi-stage approach to addressing the company’s woes, triage that includes delivering more games that take advantage of the console’s unique features, capitalizing on opportunities in the mobile market to spread awareness of the Nintendo brand, and striking out in new, health-conscious (possibly non-gaming) hardware directions. Now that Nintendo’s shared the full transcript of Iwata’s address, we’ve got a little more clarity on what’s being done.

The most promising planned changes to Nintendo’s gaming business relate to the way the company treats user accounts and the overall responsiveness of the Wii U console. Here’s the thing though: there’s no escaping the fact that these ostensible improvements amount to catch-up. For most of the past 10 years, Nintendo’s been behind the technology curve in terms of what its core audience wants. While Microsoft and Sony put effort into consolidating their network infrastructures and improving usability, Nintendo contented itself with pinning its future to an admittedly innovative control scheme. It turned out great for the Wii, but now the company is in the awkward position of hyping its fans on features that are simply expected in the modern-day gaming environment.

Nintendo’s top competitors, Microsoft and Sony, have had an integrated account system for more than a decade.

Just look at what’s happening with Nintendo IDs. Nintendo intends to transition to an account-based system, turning your NNID into the foundation for all of your interactions with the company’s present and future devices. You will no longer have to worry about losing access to your digitally purchased content if your console or handheld breaks down and needs to be replaced, for example. This is old hat for other established gaming ecosystems, like PlayStation Network or Xbox Live. It’s great news to be sure, but it’s also hard to get excited for a long-ignored feature that’s generated some harsh criticism.

Integrated accounts create more flexibility when delivering content, especially if future Nintendo consoles and handhelds rely on a unified operating system across all platforms (as Iwata suggested). It’s like  the relationship between your iOS or Android smartphones and tablets. Most apps that work on one, work on the other. Especially games. Sony is already toying with this sort of approach in its one-purchase-fits-all Cross-Buy titles that work on PlayStation 3/4 and PS Vita alike. Iwata also suggested a possible scenario where players with lots of games purchased on their account could see discounts on future purchases as a reward for loyal patronage.

The integrated account system already exists on the Wii U and 3DS. Content you own doesn’t follow you to new or replacement hardware yet, but it will surely come in time. So will a new quick-start menu on the Wii U GamePad. It’s meant to give players the ability to access to their games faster than they have in the past, right on the console’s second-screen controller, with no need to return to the Wara Wara Plaza on your TV. The company’s engineers also appear to have cracked issues with running Virtual Console DS games on the Wii U, so expect to see those added to the eShop at some point.

It’s all catch-up. Microsoft and Sony built much of this into their hardware years ago. Their competing services have evolved to the point now where you build on these basic features Nintendo’s adding with enhancements like cloud-assisted gaming on the Xbox One and game-streaming via the upcoming PlayStation Now service. Cutting down the Wii U’s atrocious load times is a great step, but harbor no illusions. Iwata’s optimism for Nintendo’s future stems in large part from a push to close the technology gap between his company and its competition.

To be clear: drawing even with Microsoft and Sony must be a vital focus for Nintendo at this point. The Wii U isn’t equipped to compete with the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One, and the casual gaming revolution that many credit the Wii for sparking has long since been taken over by phones and tablets. Nintendo’s big advantage is in its first-party catalog, beloved characters like Mario, Link, and Samus Aran, but – as the Wii U quickly taught us all – this stable of favorites is not enough to re-build an audience that strayed to high-def consoles while the Wii floundered for years with outdated hardware. Tremendous games like Pikmin 3 and Super Mario 3D World still weren’t enough to drive console sales.

NNID integration

There’s no easy fix here. A quick launch feature and added Virtual Console support won’t save the Wii U in the short-term. The next Mario Kart game, which Iwata confirmed is coming in May 2014, won’t either. Games like that and the upcoming Super Smash Bros. Wii U will certainly bolster the library even more, but it’s very likely that the Wii U will never achieve blockbuster console status. It lags too far behind the competitors’ new hardware in terms of raw power and it’s not priced competitively.

Iwata’s statements suggest that Nintendo continues to believe price isn’t the issue for the Wii U, but that’s just wrong. He spoke during the investor address of growing sales by expanding into new markets, even places that might require more modest pricing as compared to the more “developed” markets, as he put it. The failure here is in not recognizing that the $300 Wii U is in the worst possible position, price-wise. It’s $100 less than the considerably more powerful PS4 and it’s $100 more than the still-viable, content-rich PlayStation 3/Xbox 360 platforms. Iwata claims that gamers need to be better educated on what the Wii U’s unique features offer, but if the sum of that is the GamePad and its near-field communication capabilities – as he suggested – then he’s wrong. The NFC support isn’t a bad thing, but much like the original Wii’s motion controls, it feels like a clever gimmick.

Iwata expressed hope for Nintendo’s chances with future hardware pushes. The company’s vision for improving its customers’ quality of life is noble, and the stated goal of developing of non-wearable health monitoring technology is a definitive embrace of very current tech trends. It might not be gaming, but let’s not forget that Nintendo started out peddling trading cards. This is a company that has a track record of adapting. How and when that happens remains to be seen, but it’s hard right now to feel hopeful about Nintendo’s future in gaming.

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Adam Rosenberg
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Previously, Adam worked in the games press as a freelance writer and critic for a range of outlets, including Digital Trends…
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The player throws a bowling ball in Nintendo Switch Sports.

If 2021 was the year of the Game Boy Advance renaissance, then 2022 is the year of the Wii. At this point, the Nintendo Switch has outsold the Wii, but it still doesn’t feel like the Switch is as ubiquitous with casual gamers as the Wii was. Meanwhile, the Wii is getting just old enough that it’s starting to feel nostalgic and retro.
If Nintendo wants to continue to grow the Switch’s userbase, these yearnful Wii fans need to be its next target. Perhaps that’s why the latest Nintendo Direct felt like a love letter to the Wii era by featuring games like Nintendo Switch Sports, Mario Strikers: Battle League, and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. 
Nintendo Direct - 2.9.2022
Let’s go bowling
At this point, most hardcore gaming fans who want a Nintendo Switch likely already own one. While those 100+ million players will continue to buy new video games, Nintendo still wants to sell 23 million more units this year alone. If it’s going to accomplish that, it needs to entice people who might not usually play video games or spend hundreds of dollars on a new system. 
Nintendo was the most successful at doing this during the Wii era but moved away from this casual focus after the Wii U flopped. Focusing on its hardcore fans is what made the Nintendo Switch a runaway success right at launch, but we’re now almost five years in, and Nintendo is looking to maintain a growing audience. 
Making the Nintendo Switch even more appealing to casuals and non-gamers seems to be the company’s next goal. Nintendo Switch Sports recapturing some of that Wii magic is the spearhead of this strategy.
Its predecessor Wii Sports is one of the most successful games of all time. Even people who’ve never played a video game might remember the game from the Wii’s heyday. Nintendo wants a Switch in every nursing home, school, or daycare if it isn’t all ready, and first-party titles like Nintendo Switch Sports make that a possibility.
If the game catches on with casual gamers and Nintendo makes it a bundled Switch game, there’s a chance that this could be the Switch’s next Mario Kart 8 Deluxe or Animal Crossing: New Horizons from a sales perspective.

Wii Remember
Believe it or not, the Wii is over 15 years old. Young kids who played games on the Wii with their parents are now adults and likely have nostalgia for those experiences. Some may even consider it to be a retro console at this point. As such, it’s not surprising that Nintendo and other companies would dip back into the well of Wii-era IPs. It started with the Skyward Sword remaster last year, but several Wii-related announcements were in this Nintendo Direct too, which made it a real trip for those of us that grew up with these games on Wii.
Mario Strikers’ last great outing was on the Wii, and the sports spin-off series has been dormant for just long enough to where Nintendo fans are delighted that it’s making a grand return. Even Nintendo Switch Sports will trigger nostalgia for the millions of people who enjoyed it over 15 years ago.
Third parties are even taking notice. Aspyr decided to specifically remaster the Wii version of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, which is an odd choice considering that a more polished version of the game existed for Xbox 360 and PS3. Still, the Switch is the only console capable of preserving that Wii experience, and Aspyr ensures that the Wii port doesn’t get lost to time. For players who enjoyed the Wii but don’t want to dig out their system, sensor bar, and some Wii Remotes, releases like this will allow them to satiate their nostalgia. While games like Xenoblade Chronicles 3 indicate that Nintendo isn’t abandoning its hardcore audience, it’s clear that the casual market is the Switch’s next great frontier. Many of the games featured in the February 9 Direct capitalize on a new wave of nostalgia for the Wii. Embracing that market and those causal players with these games might be the key to the Nintendo Switch’s continued success. 

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