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All Poffin recipes and effects in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

As remakes, Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are about as faithful as possible. They bring us back to the well-remembered fourth generation of Pokémon in the wonderful Sinnoh region. Not only are all the Pokémon from this generation back, and looking better than ever thanks to the far more powerful Switch, but even more are included to find after beating the main game. There’s also a handful of new additions, such as the expanded Grand Underground, but one thing that most people may not even remember being in the original version are Poffins.

Poffins were only ever seen in the original Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, and haven’t been seen since. That is until these remakes, of course. Poffins were initially little treats you could make and feed to your Pokémon. They would boost specific attributes depending on what kind you made, and the same is true for how they function in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, only now they’re even more important with the inclusion of Super Contest Shows. To help you whip up the right treats for your favorite pocket monster, here’s all the Poffin recipes and their effects in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.

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What are Poffins used for?

The results of cooking a bitter Poffin.

Poffins are attribute-boosting food items that you can feed to your Pokémon. The specific attributes a Poffin can boost will either be their Coolness, Beauty, Cuteness, Cleverness, or Toughness. But, aside from just feeding the right kind of Poffin, some Pokémon, like people, have preferences for flavor. You can tell what kind of Poffin a Pokémon will like more, and thus get a bigger stat boost, based on their nature. Likewise, they will also have a flavor they don’t like so much and get less of a stat boost from eating. Here’s what each Nature Pokémon likes and dislikes:

  • Adamant: Likes spicy and dislikes dry.
  • Bashful: Has no preferences.
  • Bold: Likes sour and dislikes spicy.
  • Brave: Likes spicy and dislikes sweet.
  • Calm: Likes bitter and dislikes spicy.
  • Careful: Likes bitter and dislikes dry.
  • Docile: Has no preferences.
  • Gentle: Likes bitter and dislikes sour.
  • Hardy: Has no preferences.
  • Hasty: Likes sweet and dislikes sour.
  • Impish: Likes sour and dislikes dry.
  • Jolly: Likes sweet and dislikes dry.
  • Lax: Likes sour and dislikes bitter.
  • Lonely: Likes spicy and dislikes sour.
  • Mild: Likes dry and dislikes sour.
  • Modest: Likes dry and dislikes spicy.
  • Naive: Likes sweet and dislikes bitter.
  • Naughty: Likes spicy and dislikes bitter.
  • Quiet: Likes dry and dislikes sweet.
  • Quirky: Has no preferences.
  • Rash: Likes dry and dislikes bitter.
  • Relaxed: Likes sour and dislikes sweet.
  • Sassy: Likes bitter and dislikes sweet.
  • Serious: Has no preferences.
  • Timid: Likes sweet and dislikes spicy.

Keep in mind you can only feed a single Pokémon Poffins so many times. Eventually, their Sheen will hit a limit and they won’t eat anymore, and there are no ways you can reduce their Sheen.

How to make Poffins

A trainer about to start cooking Poffins.

Step one in cooking up Poffins is getting your hands on the Poffin Case. You can get one from the head of the Pokémon Fan Club located in Hearthome City. Once you talk to him he will hand over the Poffin Case for you. Once you have the case, the next step is collecting berries all over the Sinnoh region. You will need at least one to begin cooking, but you should be snagging plenty of these ingredients during your adventure.

Case and berries in hand, to actually make the Poffins you need to go to either the Poffin House in Hearthome City or the Poffin Maker in Amity Square. Here you can choose how many berries you want to include, with a maximum of four. The amount of Poffins you get is tied to how many berries you include, one resulting in one Poffin and netting you four, but also makes figuring out what kind you will get more complicated. You also can’t trick the system, or shouldn’t try to, and include multiple of the same berry. Doing that will usually result in a Foul Poffin.

Alternatively, some berries, or combinations, can result in Poffins that have multiple flavors that will raise multiple attributes.

Next, you need to do the actual cooking, or at least stir the pot. You need to strike the right balance of speed here when spinning the stick. Going too fast will cause the pot to overflow, and going too slow will make the ingredients burn.

All Poffin recipes

Selecting what berries to cook into a Poffin.

There are tons of berries in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. So many, in fact, that listing all the combinations would be a massive undertaking and not at all useful. Instead, we will simply list how you can get one of each type of Poffin from a single berry and link you to the very handy Poffin Calculator created by the Psychic Pokémon Connection for more complex recipes you want to try out.

  • Spicy Poffin: Cheri Berry
  • Dry Poffin: Chesto Berry
  • Sweet Poffin: Pecha Berry
  • Sour Poffin: Aspear Berry
  • Bitter Poffin: Rawst Berry
  • Spicy-Bitter Poffin: Pomeg Berry
  • Spicy-Sweet Poffin: Qualot Berry
  • Spicy-Dry Poffin: Tomato Berry
  • Spicy-Sour Poffin: Nomel Berry
  • Dry-Sour Poffin: Kelpsy Berry
  • Dry-Sweet Poffin: Cornn Berry
  • Dry-Bitter Poffin: Hondew Berry
  • Sweet-Sour Poffin: Grepa Berry
  • Sweet-Bitter Poffin: Magost Berry
  • Sweet-Spicy Poffin: Shuca Berry
  • Sweet-Bitter Poffin: Custap Berry
  • Sour-Spicy Poffin: Belue Berry
  • Sour-Dry Poffin: Yache Berry
  • Sour-Sweet Poffin: Payapa Berry
  • Bitter-Sour Poffin: Rabuta Berry
  • Bitter-Spicy Poffin: Rindo Berry
  • Bitter-Dry Poffin: Coba Berry

All Poffin effects

With those recipes and the handy calculator, the last thing is to know what each stat the different flavors of Poffins will increase. Here’s what you can expect each type to improve for your hungry little Pokémon.

  • Spicy Poffin: Increases Coolness attribute
  • Dry Poffin: Increases Beauty attribute
  • Sweet Poffin: Increases Cuteness attribute
  • Sour Poffin: Increases Toughness attribute
  • Bitter Poffin: Increases Cleverness attribute
  • Foul Poffin: Does nothing as a result of a recipe with too many mistakes

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