In its thus far successful quest for world domination, Pokémon Go seems to have overlooked a critical proponent to its AR gaming experience: social interaction.
Despite Pokémon Go beating social apps such as Tinder, and maybe even Twitter, in daily active users, it doesn’t offer you the tools to chat with the myriad players out scouring the streets for adorable pocket monsters. Worry not, Pokémon hunters: a third-party app called GoChat is here to fill that chat bubble-shaped void in your lives.
Here’s how it works: Gochat displays every notable location in Pokémon Go (such as Pokéstops, and gyms) as a pin on its app, if you are in close proximity to a pin, you will be able to chat with other players who have posted from that location. GoChat lets you create a profile, add friends, and direct message other players that are using it by simply pressing and holding their posts.
With GoChat installed, you can finally find other local trainers, get tips and tricks from other players (or dish out your own), and group up with other like-minded players. The latter may turn out to be its defining feature, especially in light of the safety concerns arising from Pokémon Go’s real-world gameplay.
In case you’re worried about a lack of users on the app, GoChat currently estimates that it has 1 million members, according to The Verge. GoChat is available on iOS, and Android right now. The app works cross-platform, allowing you to message anyone who has it installed, no matter their operating system.
Obsessed with Pokémon Go? Find out how you can catch Pikachu, the secret starter Pokémon. Additionally, check out our writers’ thoughts on the game (if you can call it that) that has thrust the Pokémon franchise back into the limelight two decades after its first iterations were released.