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Resident Evil 7 survival guide: 13 tips to keep you ticking

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There’s a lot to be scared of in Resident Evil 7. After all, If you aren’t scared of an immortal psycho hillbilly family, you’re probably a member of one. In which case no need for a guide, you know exactly what you’re doing. If, however, you’re like most RE7 players and simply the victim of an immortal psycho hillbilly family, read on for the best ways to survive in the gloriously twisted Resident Evil 7.

Use your ears

Resident Evil 7 has picked up some tricks from other modern horror games, including the terrifying indie series, Amnesia Like in the Amnesia games, RE7 features sequences where you’re being stalked by enemies you can’t defeat and your only hope is to hide from and avoid them. Whenever that happens crank up the volume. The best way to track your foes is to listen for their footsteps and/or insane, homicidal mutterings.

Check every corner

Like a classic Resident Evil game, RE7 gives you limited resources with which to survive. For longtime fans, that will likely be counted among the game’s strengths — but it may be frustrating to modern RE fans, who may be used moving the games a quicker pace. In this game, slow and steady wins the race: You should really take the time to comb over every terrifying inch of each new room you find. That is, when there’s not a murderous redneck following you around.

Abuse your saves

The earlier Resident Evil games limited how many times you could save by requiring a special item to do so. That restriction has been lifted, so go ahead and “save scum” (saving frequently and restarting if you screw something up) all you want. This is especially useful for item scavenging: Save and reload multiple times to decide which containers to use your limited lockpicks on, or use the “psychostimulants” item to reveal hidden item locations, note their locations, then reload and collect them while saving a valuable resource gathering tool.

Use the map

Like a true Resident Evil game, RE7 features several labyrinthine, befuddling environments, including the sprawling bayou mansion at the game’s heart. Luckily the developers included a handy map you can access with the press of a button. Even before you find each area map (remember to keep scavenging!) the map will fill in as you go, so it’s always useful to be thorough.

Block sometimes

It may seem counterintuitive, but you shouldn’t always turn tail and run or desperately keep shooting when an enemy is bearing down on you or getting in your face. Sometimes the best option is to hit the block button and throw up your arms in defense. It’s not perfect — you’ll usually still take some damage — but it’s something.

Get the shotgun ASAP

In the game’s first real big area (unlocked after the garage fight) there’s a shotgun in the main room. Picking it up locks you in the room, but there’s a way to get it before the next big boss fight. To get it, find the scorpion key, which you find in the basement “processing area”, then go to Grandma’s room, located off the rec room on the second floor. Grab the broken shotgun there and exchange it for the working one to secure the weapon. Just don’t let Papa zombie see you rummaging around in nana’s unmentionables.

Close the door behind you

Some enemies are too dumb to open doors (as the game itself will tell you sometimes on loading screens). It doesn’t always work, but closing doors behind you as a habit will at least make you feel secure, and sometimes that’s enough.

Take advantage of storage

Most places where you find a tape recorder save station will also have a big green box for you to store items. Put anything you won’t immediately use — from chem fluid to extraneous ammo — into storage. When you start running low you can backtrack and resupply (and save your game), but you’ll be unhappy if your inventory fills up in the middle of a boss fight or if you can’t pick up a key item while spooky Colonel Sanders is chasing you.

Use what you have

Although Resident Evil 7’s ammo, health items, and other resources are limited, the game tends to give you enough to get by (at least on easy and normal difficulties). Don’t walk around all bloodied up or reload a previous save every time you miss a shot and waste a bullet; You’ll have plenty of supplies when you need them (i.e. leading up to a boss fight), and save scumming every last variable will take the fun out of it.

Combine items

Throughout Resident Evil 7 you’ll find items like “chem fluid” and “gunpowder.” You can combine these in your inventory to make handgun bullets. There are plenty of combinations: Chem fluid and green herbs make first aid meds, and later you’ll find stronger chem fluid that can make better first aid and bullets. There are many more combos after that (you can see the possibilities in the “combine” tab of your inventory), so keep trying new things as you go.

Hoard “Antique Coins”

The antique coins you find lying around seem pointless for the first few hours, but once you escape the main house and progress into the yard you’ll want as many as you can find. Grab as many as you can find and stash them in storage.

Save your steroids

If you happen to find some steroids on this hellish journey you can use them to permanently increase your health (don’t think about it too hard). However using the steroids will also heal you, so don’t use them right away if your health is full when you find them; Save the steroids for a pinch and save a health tonic in the process.

Keep your friends close

Resident Evil 7 is gloriously scary at times, but the developers seemingly also knew when to not take it too seriously. Either way, bringing a friend along for the ride can make the times you jump out of your seat a little funny, and the times when you laugh even funnier.

Michael Rougeau
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Mike Rougeau is a journalist and writer who lives in Los Angeles with his girlfriend and two dogs. He specializes in video…
The best weapons in Resident Evil 4
Leon holding a gun in Resident Evil 4.

Leon clearly wasn't prepared for what he would encounter in the Resident Evil 4 remake or he would have come with more than a middling handgun and a knife. While those basic tools can get you through the opening stages of the game, it won't be long before you will need to call upon some much stronger firepower in order to survive the tougher -- and more grotesque -- monsters that stand in your way. The Resident Evil 4 remake offers a ton of weapons you can collect, such as pistols, SMGs, rifles, and more. However, most will cost a lot of cash -- and even more if you want to invest in their upgrades. You will have to make some tough choices about what weapons you want to stick with, and picking a dud can make your playthrough much more difficult. Instead of investing all your cash in a pea-shooter, check out the best weapons you can get in the Resident Evil 4 remake to blast your way through Ganados and Las Plagas alike.
The best weapons in Resident Evil 4

Where else could we start but with the Red9? Almost certainly the most popular handgun -- or gun in general -- from the original Resident Evil 4 has returned in the remake and is just as potent as ever. Not only can you grab this gun as early as Chapter 3, making it a great choice for investing your upgrades in, but it can be altered and has essentially no drawbacks. By default, the Red9's recoil is the primary point of criticism you could levy at it, but if you spend a few Spinels to give it the stock, you'll be able to basically snipe with this pistol. By the time you unlock the Exclusive upgrade, which multiplies the gun's power by 1.5x, you'll hardly ever find a situation where this handgun can't do the job.
Bolt Thrower
The Bolt Thrower isn't on this list for its high power, accuracy, or anything that you would traditionally look for in a gun. The reason it has to be here is due to the simple fact that you can recover the bolts it shoots into enemies after they're dead to massively cut down on your ammo expenditure. Ammo for it is also crafted using knives, but it even has a secondary firing method where it launches mines, giving it a lot more utility. The Exclusive upgrade isn't game-changing -- it doubles the ammo capacity -- but the less you have to reload, the less often you'll be caught in a sticky situation.
In the rifle category, the Stingray is never going to let you down. This is a semiautomatic rifle, so the firing rate is mostly up to you, plus it has a great clip size by default. If you're hitting those weak points, this baby will also deal 3x damage, and can be outfitted with almost any scope. The Exclusive upgrade boosts your final firing rate by an additional 2x, which shouldn't be too necessary if you're trying to be precise, though can help in a pinch.
LE 5
The LE 5 is a weapon you can easily miss that is kind of like a good version of the Punisher in that it has amazing penetration power. Being an SMG, it also boasts a far greater firing rate and clip size, as well as more power. This is the perfect weapon to rip through any shield-wielding enemies. Again like the Punisher, the Exclusive upgrade allows the LE 5 to pierce up to five targets at once.
Broken Butterfly
Another returning favorite, the Broken Butterfly magnum is not just the best-looking hand cannon in the game, but also the most deadly. If you don't count a special weapon like the Rocket Launcher, the Broken Butterfly (after upgrades) deals the most damage of any gun in the Resident Evil 4 remake. The Exclusive upgrade plays a major part in this by boosting its final damage by 1.5x, again just like the Red9, but magnum upgrades are among the most expensive in the game, so this power won't come easy.
What's the worst part of a shotgun? The firing rate. Well, that is if you're not using the Striker. This semiautomatic shotgun spits out damage like nobody's business. It has power on par with any other shotgun, but way better firing speed, plus a massive clip size so you don't have to worry about running dry out an enemy in your face. If you get the Exclusive upgrade, you can even double the already huge clip size.
Rocket Launcher
This is a big investment both in terms of cash and space, but the Rocket Launcher is too iconic to the series not to be amazing. Yes, this has a one-hit kill on just about everything and will cost more or less depending on what difficulty level you're playing on. It has no upgrades because, well, what is there to make better? Unless you're playing with the infinite ammo for it enabled, you do only get one shot, so make it count.
Primal Knife
While technically not a gun, the knife is so good in the Resident Evil 4 remake that it has to be mentioned. This tool will save your skin more often than you think thanks to the new ability to parry and finish downed enemies, but the obvious drawback is durability. The Primal Knife has to be unlocked by finding and destroying all 16 of the Clockwork Castellans in the game. What makes it the clear frontrunner of all knives is the Exclusive upgrade that makes it completely unbreakable, no matter how much you use it.

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All Resident Evil 4 remake Wayshrines and how to open them
An open wayshrine with a bracelet inside.

In the opening chapters of the Resident Evil 4 remake, you will come across strange shrines erected by a cult. These can be interacted with, but prompt you to use an item. Unfortunately, you won't even have the chance to open the first couple you find since the item required to open them can't be picked up until a bit later -- and only if you know where to search for it. But it's ro say that the treasures you get from them make it worth your time to backtrack and grab all the goodies inside. Here's how you can open all the Wayshrines in the Resident Evil 4 remake, and what each one holds inside.
How to get the Wayshrine Key

Surprise surprise, but Wayshrines can only be opened once you grab the Wayshrine Key. It will feel like a long time, but you can't even access the key until you reach Chapter 4 and beat Del Lago. Once you can explore the lake, head south to the Mural Cave. Deep in the caves, you will find an ornate cabinet after solving the puzzle in the cave. You can get there by going down the path from the southern dock and through the section with the two large stone hands. Thankfully, unlike Small Keys, the Wayshrine Key is reusable and can open every Wayshrine in the game.
How to 0pen Wayshrines

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How to solve the Castle Sword puzzle in Resident Evil 4 remake
Leon looking at murals of a knight.

The castle section of the Resident Evil 4 remake is one of the most diabolical. Aside from being visually distinct from the previous village area, this location is full of tougher enemies and deadlier traps. Once you've managed to escape from the dungeons and up into the castle proper, you will be blocked by a gate beside some images of a knight in different situations. Something is off about all of them, and one part missing entirely. This is the sword puzzle, but it isn't as straightforward as you might assume looking at it. Here's how to solve the Sword Puzzle and make your way into the Audience Chamber in Resident Evil 4.
How to solve the Castle Sword puzzle

The first thing you'll notice about this puzzle is that there are four murals of the knight, but only three swords to pick up in this room. The last sword is behind another locked gate, but this one you can open. The gate has three animals on it, an eagle, deer, and snake, which correspond to three different plates. As each one is activated, the symbols on the gate will light up to show you're on the right track. The deer can be activated by pulling the chain beside the gate, while the second two are on the other side of the gate to the right and need to be shot.

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