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Riders Republic: All Relics guide

While the majority of your time in Riders Republic will no doubt be blazing your way down the mountain, either in races, events, or just carving your own path, there are some other things worth keeping your eye out for in this massive open world. This is a Ubisoft open-world game, after all, so you can expect a map absolutely littered with icons. Thankfully, because the core gameplay of riding, sliding, and flying around is so satisfying, it doesn’t feel like yet another Ubisoft checklist game like so many others.

No open-world game, Ubisoft or not, can resist hiding some collectibles in its world for you to seek out. While some games just have collectibles for the sake of having them, Riders Republic at least gives you a use for finding these Relics. Each of the 11 Relics is one-of-a-kind Shackdaddy Funkies gear that can’t be obtained any other way. Not only do they look cool, but some are even worth taking into races. These bikes, boards, skis, and more are ones you’ll definitely want to add to your collection, so we’ve pinpointed all the Relic locations across the massive map in Riders Republic.

Further reading

Grandpa Bike

Riders Republic snowy map.

We’ll start our hunt going after all the Shackdaddy Funkies bikes. First on our list is the old, reliable Grandpa Bike. This classic two-wheeler is in Yosemite — Yosemite Valley. If you look on the map, you can see the Chapel labeled under the “T” in Yosemite Valley. From the fast travel point in Yosemite Village, take the road west to the Chapel and look for the wooden mailbox out front. This old red bike, equipped with a basket on the front and leather saddlebags on the back, is leaning up against the post.

This bike is rated standard and doesn’t have all that great stats. It only has 15 Sprint and Grip, making it tough on basically all terrain, but it does have decent air rotation. This is one to admire more than ride.

Adventure Bike

Riders Republic adventure bike stats.

Don’t worry, you don’t have to go on a major journey to find the Adventure Bike. The best fast travel point you can go to for this one is The Invitational, though it isn’t all that close. This bike is way down in the southeast of the map in Canyonlands Park, along the coast of the Colorado River. You can also find it easily by following the path going southeast from the Burned Forest. Either way, you’ll find a little campsite along the river with the bike resting against a rock outside near the fire pit.

The Adventure Bike isn’t too bad. It’s Pro rated with great sprint, speed, grip, and absorption stats. Air rotation is the clear negative, so it’s obviously not meant for tricks, but there’s no reason not to take this one out for a little adventure.

Training Bike

Riders Republic map showing a snowy region.

From the far southeast of the map, all the way to the top northeast corner, we’ll pick up your very own Training Bike. This is the Gran Teton, Cascade Canyon part of the map. From the Table Mountain fast travel point, make your way to the Cascade Canyon Playground to the east. You’ll quickly find a bunch of presents laying around a fully decorated Christmas tree. One present that isn’t wrapped is the Training Bike, which you can claim for yourself.

This is the most obvious joke piece of equipment in the game. It’s just an exercise bike, after all, and will probably end up collecting just as much dust as a real one. The Training Bike has stats of just one across the board, however, as the description states, “It’s the safest bike you’ll ever ride.”

Destroyed Bike

Approaching a broken bike in a river.

Why would you want a Destroyed Bike? Well, aside from being a completionist, it is at least better than the Training Bike. To find this neglected piece of gear, head to Pine Creek in Zion via the Lincoln Peak fast travel point in Mammoth. The spot you’re looking for is right on the border of Zion and east of Hole in the Wall. There’s a broken-down cabin here and the bike, or at least the wheel of it, sticking out of the ground near a rock.

This beaten-up and abused bike is a lowly Standard rating, though it claims to have been good at one point in its life. It has really bad stats, especially grip, which is at the lowest possible 1. The only moderate upside is the air rotation stat of 50, but there’s no reason not to leave the Destroyed Bike in the shed.

Folding Bike

Riders Republic map marker.

If, for some reason, you need a bike just for casual street riding, well, there’s always the Folding Bike. Jump over to the Fiery Furnace fast travel location and look for the Arches and Fiery Furnace Playground. There’s a trail you can take leading west that will bring you right to where the Folding Bike is chilling out. There’s no camp this time, but you can still find a dude chilling on a rock with a guitar right beside it.

This is a nothing-special, Standard-rated bike. For the third time, we get a bike with a 1 grip, but everything else is a bit better. Sprint is just 15, and Air Rotation is the highest at 60, but it won’t outclass anything else you have by this point.

Pizza Delivery Bike

Riders Republic pizza delivery bike stats.

Ready to make some deliveries? The Pizza Delivery Bike is downtown in Mammoth City. Choose either the Up Town or West City travel points into Mammoth City and head down to the southwest end near Canyon Lodge, but still northeast of Bear Park. Head down the road here to the big pizza place — you can’t miss it — and follow the discarded pizza boxes outside to the delivery bike leaning up against the garage. Pick it up for yourself for this hot new ride.

If you ever wondered why your pizza took so long to get to you, they may have been riding this bike. Rated Standard, this isn’t the worst bike but is completely unimpressive. It has only 25 Sprint, 35 Speed, and 30 Grip, with the best stat being Air Rotation at 55. Unless you’re motivated by trying to get a big tip for making a quick delivery, don’t take this one on any races.

Surf Board

A surfboard piece of gear.

With the bikes out of the way, the only Shackdaddy Funkies board is the Surf Board. It’s not where you might expect to find it, though. Way up north in The Wall Glacier area is a little igloo we need to track down. From the Teton North fast travel point, make the long trip across the ice directly west of the “The” in The Wall Glacier text on your map. Once you spot the igloo with a parasol and cooler beside some deck chairs out front, you will find the board leaning up near the snowy entrance.

As a board, the Surf Board is kind of decent. It’s Pro rated and has barely above average Speed at 51, a great Deep Snow rating of 80, and fine Absorption of 40. Don’t take the Surf Board out to do tricks, though, because it’s got a measly 15 for Air Rotation.

Wood Ski Blades

A shirtless guy near some old wooden skis.

The ancient-looking Wood Ski Blades are in the far southwest of Mammoth in the Santiago Bowl. If you use the fast travel point of Mammoth Summit, you’ll find a convenient trail leading south, right to the Wood Ski Blades resting beside a ski lift.

These Standard skis prove that their old design should be left in the past. Unless you’re proving some sort of weird fashion statement or want to show off, leave these as decorations on the wall.

Old School Skis

A shirtless man running to a snowy camp.

Not quite as old as the Wood Ski Blades, the Old School Skis are located in Grand Teton, south of The Wall Glacier. The Teton Glacier fast travel point is your closest drop-off point, from which you will want to go down west to the spot directly north of Disappointment Peak. There’s a small, easily missed brown tent here that you want to keep your eyes peeled for, and the orange skis are laying on a little pile of snow.

While better than the Wood Ski Blades, it’s not by much. They have a pretty good Speed ranking at 60 but low Air Rotation and Deep Snow stats.

Cardboard Plane

It should go without saying, but don’t try this at home. The Cardboard Plane jetpack is sitting on the porch of a cabin in General Highway in Sequoia. Jump over to the Moro Rock fast travel point, make your way along the mountain to the southeast, and you will come across this cabin when you’re roughly between the “O” and “I” in Sequoia on the map. Grab this makeshift device off the porch and take it to the sky.

Just like a paper airplane, this “jetpack” is awesome in both the mobility stats but has a mere 1 Slow Mode.

Plane Wing

A jetpack made of a plane wing.

The final Shackdaddy Funkies gear is another jetpack, only this time made from something a little more appropriate for air travel. You can scavenge the Plane Wing off a crashed plane in the river in Cloud Rest within Yosemite. Eagle View is your fast travel point for this one. Go west from here and follow the river until you spot the carcass of the titular plane sticking out of the water. Jump over and collect your new, not-dangerous-at-all Plane Wing jetpack.

This is an Expert level piece of gear, the only Relic to get this rating. Speed is nice at 45, at the cost of 1 Mobility but with a huge 80 in Engine Boost.

While it’s great that you can actually use all these collectibles (although some you may not want to), the downside is that there’s no trophy or achievement tied to finding them all.

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Jesse Lennox
Jesse Lennox loves writing, games, and complaining about not having time to write and play games. He knows the names of more…
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The player confronts Ryu in Street Fighter 6 World Tour.

If you want to be the best, you need to learn from the best. Street Fighter 6 lets you put yourself into the action by creating your own custom character who learns the art of fighting from both the iconic world warriors and a host of newcomers while advancing through the World Tour mode. Each master you pledge yourself to will unlock their own unique moves to add to your list of possibilities when customizing your moveset. You might think meeting all the characters would happen naturally through the story, yet you can easily complete the entire mode without encountering most of the masters. Let us give you your first lesson by showing you how to enroll with every master in Street Fighter 6.
How to enroll with every master

Each of the main characters included at the launch of Street Fighter 6 is considered a master, which results in a total of 18 to find. Some you will come across naturally as you play World Tour mode, but most are either hidden or require you to complete certain optional objectives to find. Here's each master and how you can find them to learn their special moves.
You will automatically be enrolled with Luke when you begin World Tour mode in Street Fighter 6. You can find and train with him at any time in Metro City at the warehouse marked on your map.
Chun-Lu is also impossible to miss as you go through the story. Once you get to Chapter 2-1, your objective will be to fund Chun-Li in the Chinatown area of the map. Once you find her there, you can go back to that spot to train with her at any time.
Further on in the story, when you get to Chapter 3-3, your objective will now be able to travel using the World Map to get to Colosseo. Once you arrive, Marisa will be introduced automatically. Just speak with her again afterward to become her student.
The big green beast Blanka can be missed, but only if you don't bother exploring. After you get to Chapter 6-1, Luke will unlock the Ranger's Hut location on the World Map. Not only will you be able to become Blanka's student, but you will also get the Blanka Chan outfit.
Dee Jay
Also available in Chapter 6-1, Dee Jay is found in Bather's Beach. After a battle (regardless of if you win or lose), you will be able to enroll with this master.
Lily is the first tricky master to enroll with. During Chapter 4-1, you need to complete a side mission called "The Spirit Guide" that you can pick up from an NPC in Chinatown named Ana. After completing the quest, Thunderfoot Settlement will be unlocked on the World Map. Go there, speak to a few NPCs, and Lily will arrive in a cutscene. Once it ends, speak to her to enroll as a student.
Cammy also is locked behind a side mission that you can go on during Chapter 7-1. The one in question is called "Special Unit Del-?" in Metro City. Head down to the subway to grab the quest, complete it by clearing out the subway, and unlock access to the stadium area on the west side of the map. Once you take care of all the enemies downtown, you can go back to King Street via the World Map to find and battle Cammy.
Jamie is slightly tricky to find. You need to be in Metro City during the night and go into the Chinatown alley. He will be in the middle of a fight, leading to his intro, after which you can climb up the nearby ladder and onto the roof to speak and train with him.
After a long break, Ken will be the next unmissable master. Once you get to Chapter 8-3, you will get the mission "The Elusive Former National Champ" that sends you to go find Ken at a construction site. After getting the appropriate headgear, you can head to the site and  be introduced to him.
E. Honda
Not long after you encounter Ken, E. Honda will show up in Chapter 8-4 during the "Big in Japan" mission. Simply head to the restaurant to meet up with the famous sumo star.
Ryu can be found next by traveling to Genbu Temple. Just walk up and speak to him to begin training.
Also unmissable, Kimberly will be introduced during Chapter 8-7 during the "High Flying Man" mission. Once the mission is complete, she will be posted up on the roof above your hideout.
Once you've finished Chapter 8-7, you can go learn from Guile by putting on the SiRN lab coat and talking to an NPC at the construction site to get a mission to go to the Carrier Byron Taylor. Go there, fight a bit, and he will jump in to help you out.
Following Chapter 7-3, when the "Extra" sidequest unlocks in Metro City's Beat Square, you will be taken to Fete Foraine automatically. After Manon introduces herself, you can speak to her again to become a student.
The yoga master himself can be found by doing the "Yoga Statue" quest available starting on Chapter 9. Talk to Anik in Bayside Park in Metro City. Complete the quest to unlock Dhalsimer Temple on the World Map, where you can enroll with Dhalsim.
The sidequest for Zangief also spawns when you hit Chapter 9. This time, you need to go to the stadium to find the "Hither and Thither" mission from some wrestlers. Finish up the quest and the Barmaley Steelworks will be added to your map. Zip on over and meet the master grappler.
Not available until much later in Chapter 11-4, you're looking for the "A Hardboiled Adventure" sidequest in Nayshall from Govind in the Bazaar. You will need to wait until Chapter 12 before you can fully finish this quest, but once done, you can ask to study under Juri.
The last master you will find can only be encountered once you've fully finished World Tour mode. Once everything is wrapped up, go to Old Nayshall at night and go to the Suval'hal Arena Entrance. JP will be there waiting by the stairs around back for someone to come asking to train.

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Assassin's Creed Mirage Basim

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Where to farm Zonite in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Link with a created mining rig in Tears of the Kingdom.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild introduced many survival elements into the Zelda formula, and The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom only expands on those concepts. Things like cooking and crafting return in new-and-improved forms, but what hasn't changed much is the need to gather tons and tons of resources. From food to materials, weapons, and ores, Link's pockets will quickly become jam-packed with these materials. Zonite is a new form of resource that is vital for anyone who is enjoying the new Ultrahand ability and creating all types of wacky vehicles and contraptions. If you're hitting the limit on your creations due to a lack of Zonite, here are the best places to farm it in Tears of the Kingdom.
What is Zonite?
Zonite is tied to the ancient Zonai and their technology, which you will be using to build various machines in Tears of the Kingdom. Zonite itself is a material you can collect that, when you have enough, can be used with a Forge to make one of two things: Zonite Charges or Crystallized Charges. Zonite Charges are used to immediately refill any Energy Cell's power, while Crystallized Charges expand those Energy Cells' maximum capacity.
Best places to find Zonite

The best places to find Zonite, like any raw material, are down in the Depths. Here are a few hotspots we've found to have a good supply for you to plunder.
Great Abandoned Central Mine
The Great Abandoned Central Mine is an easy spot to recommend for farming Zonite since it is quite easy to access. You can find it at coordinates -0728, -1860, -0503. Simply drop inside with a hammer or explosives and break the deposits to gather up the Zonite.
Lindor Canyon Mine
If you've drained the Central Mine clean, Lindor Canyon Mine is another spot rich in Zonite. You can find it at the coordinates -2004, 1310, -0715.
Enemies in the Depths
If you're not as much into mining, another method for getting Zonite is to collect it from enemies in the Depths. While not every enemy drops this material, plenty do, so fighting off these tougher enemies can be worth your time. Korok Grove, found at 006, 2521, -0623, has two encampments to raid if you're feeling up to the challenge.

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