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Sony still considering cheap downloads for UMD games

When Sony first launched its PSP gaming system in late 2004, its Universal Media Discs were expected to be the wave of the future, with both game developers and Hollywood studios on board to release titles on the disc-based format. Sadly, it didn’t take long for Hollywood to jump ship, leaving the PSP to fly solo in the world of UMDs.

Given the impending launch of the PS Vita, which will play games in either a cartridge or downloadable format (but not UMDs), there’s been some worry among PSP owners that Sony’s latest mobile gaming system will render their UMD collections obsolete. And while their concern is certainly justified, it appears that Sony is also devoting some thought to the post-UMD world.

Sony’s Yoshio Matsumoto stated in a recent interview with Dengeki PlayStation (via Kotaku) that the company continues to consider giving UMD owners the chance to download their games on the Vita for a reduced price.

Matsumoto’s comments would seem to echo comments made by Sony at a company press conference last month when the it said the company was looking into ways for UMD owners to experience their games on the Vita.

Rick Marshall
A veteran journalist with more than two decades of experience covering local and national news, arts and entertainment, and…
Remnant 2: How to cross the floating pillars in The Lament
Floating pillars in The Lament

If you work your way through the various maps throughout Remnant 2's biome of Yaesha, you may stumble upon an area called The Lament. There are a few different puzzles on this map, but perhaps the most head-scratching one is located in its depths where you'll encounter a selection of floating pillars. If there doesn't appear to be a solution in sight, don't worry – we'll fill you in on the tricks to solving this mystery.
How to cross the floating pillars in The Lament
The floating pillars in the Lament can be crossed via invisible walkways, but before you can discern which ones possess these paths, you'll first need to look at the symbols on top of them. There are three different symbols, but only one will provide safe passage. To find out which one, you'll need to do one of two things.

The official method would be to return to the beginning of the map and find the symbol, which is extremely easy to miss. Make your way to the very start of the gauntlet where you must evade the darts being fired at you. Turn on your flashlight and look up above the first crawlspace to spot the symbol.

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How to beat Mother Mind in Remnant 2
Three characters shoot at a boss in Remnant 2.

Remnant 2 comes with a pretty substantial number of bosses to take on across its various biomes, and some playthroughs will yield different encounters than others. So if you come across The Nameless Nest in Yaesha during your travels, you'll soon find yourself facing off against an optional boss named Mother Mind. This huge creature looks pretty scary, and if you're not sure how to handle the fight, it can put an end to the battle quite quickly by making you fall to your death. However, we'll share with you some tips for taking on Mother Mind and making the most of its big, ugly weak spot so you can drop this monster and get on with your business.
How to beat Mother Mind
Mother Mind is a mix between a standard DPS-driven boss battle and a mechanics-based encounter, meaning you'll need to dish out plenty of damage while also watching out for the enemy's special move that can send you spiraling down to an instant death. Because of this, be sure you're prepared to stay mobile and understand how to sprint and jump before entering the door to the creature, as you're going to be doing a lot of both.

The boss battle against Mother Mind takes place in a large, circular arena with a total of four stone platforms. You'll walk through the door facing the boss, and you can instantly begin firing at the cross-shaped weak spot on his face, getting in as much damage as possible right off the rip. If you have the Hot Shot weapon mod (or any mod that will grant additional damage per bullet), the beginning of this fight is a great time to pop it and move things along.

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How to beat The Corrupter in Remnant 2
Remnant II Many Faces boss fight.

As you push through each of Remnant 2's biomes, you'll eventually come to a point where you'll have to face down one of its two possible final bosses. In the case of Yaesha, you're likely to run into The Corrupter, a hulking monstrosity that floats around the back of a battlefield and lets its guardian construct do most of the fighting for it. Whether you're tackling this tricky showdown alone or with some friends, it can be quite a doozy if you're not sure how to counter some of the mechanics coming your way. In this guide, we'll tell you how to strike down The Corrupter once and for all so you can head to your next destination.
How to beat The Corrupter
The Corrupter is located in The Great Bole in Yaesha, and you'll be facing the monster down in an arena that consists of three long stone walkways that are hovering in the sky. Falling from any of the walkways will result in instant death, so this fight is as much about careful footing as it is actually fighting.

The boss itself is floating around at the very far end of the arena, but it will spawn a guardian construct on one of the pathways that will follow you around. If you damage the guardian construct's head enough, it will eventually fall. This will cause The Corrupter to use some of its own health to heal the guardian construct. However, you can also just shoot at The Corrupter to deal direct damage to it. Depending on the method you use to kill The Corrupter, you can earn one of two rewards:

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