After the events of Miles Morales, the Prowler has officially retired by the time Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 begins. While he can’t help Miles out in action anymore, his uncle still has some secrets in store for his super-powered nephew. Before he was forced to hang up his hood, Prowler had a series of resource caches stashed all over the city. With him no longer able to make use of them, he tells you how to find and open them to get the goodies inside. This is one of the best ways to get your hands on Rare Tech parts needed for upgrades in the game. Let’s track down all these hidden Prowler Stashes in Spider-Man 2.
All Prowler Stash locations
There are nine total Prowler Stashes in Spider-Man 2, with some locked until you get to certain points in the story to keep you from looting them all at once. Once you get close, you will see a section of a building, almost always the rooftop, glowing in an outline of the zone where the stash is. Enter and solve the little puzzle to find and grab the rewards. Here is where you can find each stash:
Astoria – 1
Upper west side – 1
Downtown Queens -1
Midtown – 1
Hell’s Kitchen – 1
Greenwich – 1
Little Odessa -1
Williamsburg – 1
Downtown Brooklyn -1
Prowler stashes are hidden behind a puzzle where you need to first find the object on the rooftop you need to manipulate with your webs to reveal a hidden door. From there, you must position yourself again to the right spot to web the door open, holding down each trigger to the correct levels on your DualSense, or occasionally crawling through some vents with laser traps. Once you get inside, loot the vault to get 300 XP and 3 Rare Tech parts.