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Where to find the Tactical Pistol in the Callisto Protocol

The Callisto Protocol features a total of five guns to supplement protagonist Jacob’s melee baton and GRP device – and you’ll need all the help you can get to fend off the game’s seemingly endless onslaught of mutated enemies. However, a few of these weapons are actually easy to miss altogether, requiring you to round up schematics in certain chapters before you can craft them at a Reforge station. One such gun is the Tactical Pistol, which can be a particularly useful addition to your arsenal thanks to its high rate of fire, which makes it perfect for taking down smaller, weaker enemies. In this guide, we’ll tell you where you can find the Tactical Pistol Schematic so that you can make the most of your time in this survival horror title.

Further reading

The Tactical Pistol Schematic isn’t obtainable until pretty late in the game. You can find it in Chapter Six: Below, which is a rather slow-paced segment of the game that requires a lot of stealth-oriented gameplay. In this chapter, you’ll be introduced to blind foes who wander about somewhat aimlessly, requiring you to sneak up behind them for brutal knife takedowns, so take your time and be as safe as possible.

As you make your way through the chapter, you’ll come to a room that has three intersecting pathways. In this room, three of the blind enemies will come into your sight – one from each side and another from directly in front of you. Sneak around and take these out with your knife, then proceed through the door that was ahead of you upon entering the area. Follow this corridor until you need to vault over some metal bars that have fallen on the ground.

In this hallway, be mindful of another blind enemy stuck to the wall on your right that will attack as you get closer. Once you’ve defeated it, continue into the cell on your right, which will have a few lockers that you can open for supplies. On the desk in this little area is where you’ll find the Tactical Pistol Schematic, which you can pick up and add to your inventory. Lastly, use it at the next Reforge station you come across to craft the Tactical Pistol.

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Billy Givens
Billy Givens is a freelance writer with over a decade of experience writing gaming, film, and tech content. His work can be…
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