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The Queen Joins YouTube

The Queen Joins YouTubeSearch around on YouTube and you’ll see something new – The Royal Channel, which was launched(without a trumpet fanfare) yesterday.   Yes, the Queen has finally caught up with technology, not a bad leap from someone who only got her first PC two years ago. To be fair, she’s hardlydone the work herself, since there are undoubtedly royal IT people among the court flunkeys these days. She was persuaded to launch a YouTube channel by her granddaughters, Princesses Eugenia andBeatrice, who are both active on Facebook (so get adding, you royal hunters).   The annual Queen’s Speech, aired every year on television at 1500 GMTwill be on there, along with her first speech, 50 years ago, in which she said,   "I very much hope that this new medium will make my Christmas message more personal and direct. That it ispossible for some of you to see me today is just another example of the speed at which things are changing all around us." Things have changed beyond recognition in the half century since then,and the channel aims to move with the times, as well as capture history, including that first speech and plenty of vintage footage that predates Queen Elizabeth.   A spokesman at theQueen’s residence, Buckingham Palace, said that it was hoped that the channel would make her Majesty "more accessible to younger people and those in other countries."

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These are the 10 most disliked videos on YouTube
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When it comes to YouTube and the rankings of its most popular videos, you’ll most likely think of it in terms of how many views or likes a given video receives. But just because a YouTube video happens to have a ton of views or millions of likes, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s protected from receiving dislikes. In fact, some of the most popular and well-known viral videos on YouTube also carry staggering numbers of dislikes as well.

If you’ve ever been curious to know which videos have received the most dislikes, here’s your chance to find out. Here are the current 10 most disliked videos on YouTube.
10. Can this video get 1 million dislikes? -- PewDiePie (5.14 million dislikes)
Can this video get 1 million dislikes?

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How to upload a video to YouTube
Woman sitting on the floor working at her laptop.

As one of the most popular video streaming platforms online, if you want to have your vlog, comedy sketch, or music video seen by someone, getting it on YouTube is a must. Those new to the streaming scene may be wondering how to upload a video to YouTube. Here's how in just four easy steps.

Note: For this guide, we will assume that you've already made your YouTube/Google account. While those starting from scratch will need to do so, there are many elements involved in setup and customization that aren't covered by this guide.
Step 1: Sign in to your account

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The funniest YouTube videos of all time

Humor is very personal, but some things are just universally funny. We're sure that you have your favorite YouTube videos for turning a frown upside down, but these are ours. Some of them are insanely popular, while others have dropped beneath the radar, but all of them are sure to bring on the giggles.

Note: While all of the below videos are found on YouTube and meet YouTube's accepted standards for content, some of them do contain adult language, and so they may not be considered safe for work.
Buzz and the dandelions
Buzz and the Dandelions

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