If you’re someone who likes to carry the Bible with you, it just became a whole lot easier. ChristianMobile, a South African-based company, is offering downloads of the Old and New Testaments for $12 each in the UK. The company will also offer daily inspirational messages by text. The company already operates in several countries, including the US, offering the same services. It claims to have distributed 80,000 virtual Bibles in the South Africa alone (the Bibles are in proper English, not text speak, in case youwondered). According to their site, ChristinaMobile exists so “to enable every mobile phone user to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ so that each phone user may believe in Him, call upon His name and be saved by Him. That they may be equipped with wisdom and revelation for faith and action through His leading by the power of the Holy Spirit into the ministry of reconciliation of man with God.” Of course, this isn’t really anything new to the US, where Christian content online and on mobiles has been quickly adopted. But it brings something different to the UK, which has never been a hotbed of religion. However, according to a report in The Guardian, ChristianMobile will have its work cut out in the future, as it plans to expand its efforts to Bahrain, China, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Yemen and Iraq.