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Forget Tinder: Use this new app to break up with your significant other

Binder App
Denys Prykhodov/Shutterstock
Dating apps like Tinder and make it easy to find love — and now there’s an app that does the total opposite.

Binder, which is available for iOS and Android, allows users to end a relationship with just one swipe to the right.

To use the Binder app, you choose the gender of your significant other, add their name and phone number, choose from a list of harsh reasons for ending the relationship, and swipe right. The app will take care of the rest.

Users can select from reasons like “our relationship is as patchy as your beard,” “it’s better to have loved and lost, so, on that note, ‘Get lost’”, and “if you were the last person on Earth, I’d still send this.”

Tennent's Wellpark | Binder

If that isn’t cruel enough, users can select to send their S.O. a break-up voice message of a Scottish man singing: “Your boyfriend doesn’t love you anymore, he hates your face, he thinks you’re a bore. In fact, he is sick in his mouth whenever he sees you around.” The Binder app has been created by Scottish beer company Tennent’s, which is promoting Binder on its social media channels. While it might be a little random, the company has poked fun at tech products in the past, including the Apple Watch. The company has made a gimmicked Apple Watch commercial with a video on the AyeWatch, which is a smartwatch that just says “Aye.”

Although the app has received tons of press, it seems it only has about five to 10 installs, according to the Google Play Store. It will be interesting to see if people actually download this app to break up with their S.O.

tldr: If you want to avoid that long awkward break-up conversation, you can have a Scottish man dump your crappy boyfriend. 

You can download Binder from the App Store and Google Play.

Karen Tumbokon
Karen is a technology, music and entertainment writer. Originally from New Jersey, Karen began her writing career in music…
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