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Election fatigue caused Americans to ditch their news apps, new report says

A person holding a phone.
Whatever side of the fence you were on, the election process this time around was a long one. A new report from Flurry, an analytics firm, highlights just how disinterested in following political news Americans became since the first presidential debate. The report shows this through tracking the use of news apps.

So how much did election fatigue really kick in? As was expected, use of news reading apps was up in the lead-up to each presidential debate. The first debate, however, saw a 12 percent increase in news app usage, but by the time the third debate rolled around there was an increase of only 3 percent. That’s hardly enough to suggest that people are really interested in what’s going on.

After the first debate, the number of news app sessions also declined when those apps weren’t being used for major events — such as the Access Hollywood tape leak and the reopening of the Hillary Clinton email investigation. In fact, it seems like the Access Hollywood leak accounted for the highest uptick in news app usage during the election cycle, during which news app use was up 18 percent. The second-highest spike wasn’t even related to the election — it was instead following the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series.

Flurry Insights

Flurry suggests that these trends highlight U.S. citizens’ election fatigue, in which people become tired of election-related news and as such simply stop trying to follow it. The idea of election fatigue isn’t all that new — many have complained about it on social media too. This so-called fatigue could have caused users to stop engaging with the news, eventually leading to users not fact-checking things for themselves.

According to Flurry, most election news stories were only in the news cycle for 48 hours per topic — which basically means that once a user had engaged with a news story, they would subsequently disengage from updates to the story.

Christian de Looper
Christian’s interest in technology began as a child in Australia, when he stumbled upon a computer at a garage sale that he…
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Apps to help you start good habits and level up your life in 2022
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Technology played a huge role in our lives in 2021. From healthcare to education, everything happened online through those tiny little icons on our screens. Now as 2022 inches closer, it’s time to rethink our relationship with those glowing, sometimes productive, sometimes distracting boxes. 
As you make your New Year's resolutions, think about how you can use technology to enhance rather than empty your life. For some, this might look like deleting unused, draining apps and for others, it might mean joining productive ones that will improve the quality of your life. 
Need some ideas? Here are the most common apps people are joining in 2022. 
Reading and audiobook apps: Kindle, Kobi, Audible, etc. 
As we’re operating in this information economy, the demand for accessible learning has shot up in recent years. Not everyone has access to in-person classes and libraries (especially during the pandemic), so e-books have played a huge role in filling those gaps. That’s why e-reading apps like Kindle, Kobi, and ePub Reader are in-demand. After all, if you’re going to spend a lot of time on your phone, might as well spend it doing something productive!
“I want to double my reading goal this year,” says Jessica Kats, e-commerce and retail expert at Soxy who spent the lockdown reading 20 books. 

Free reading apps have also helped reduce economic barriers to knowledge. “I have been a bibliophile since a young age, though a few financial constraints held me back from buying paperbacks for a long time,” says Andre Flynn, founder of Now free reading apps are helping users like Andre access new information and fuel their passion for writing without spending a lot of money on physical books. 
Along with e-books, users are also dipping their toes in the world of audiobooks. People who don’t get a lot of time to sit down and read are consuming information through audiobooks, many of which are now freely available on apps like Audible (free trial),, LibriVox, and more. 
Language learning apps: Duolingo, Busuu, Memrise, etc. 
Learning a new language has dozens of benefits, so this new year, users are setting aside time to invest in language learning by installing apps like Duolingo, Busuu, Memrise, and others. 
“Instead of spending half an hour every night scrolling mindlessly through social media, I'm choosing to spend that half-hour learning a new(ish) language and strengthening my brain,” says Brian Donovan, CEO of TimeShatter.

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