The new feature comes as the key element of a partnership the streaming company has developed with live music discovery company Songkick, which allows the streaming company to use their massive amount of music intelligence data to help users find great shows, and gives Songkick a massive new audience to monetize.
Spotify uses the same taste profile for concert recommendations as it does for the popular Discover Weekly playlist feature, which should excite those who have found new favorites through the service. Plus, subscribers can immediately hear the band that they might go see, providing an integrated ease of use that standalone concert finders simply can’t offer.
Location-based concert recommendations means that the concerts feature also works on vacation or on business trips, making it easier than ever for a Spotify user to find a good show while in an unfamiliar city.
Songkick is no stranger to Spotify. When the company previously had third-party desktop apps within its platform, users had the ability to use the startup’s features as an app-within-an-app. When Spotify updated to no longer include desktop apps, Songkick remained a subtle part of the app — with integrations inside the Discover feed, among other places.
But needless to say, executives at the company are excited to be back in the Spotify spotlight, and Songkick will likely see a huge surge in users due to the new integration.
In a blog post about the new feature, the company wrote, “We’ve had a long and awesome relationship with Spotify. From our desktop app way back in 2011, to our artist imports, to neat integrations inside the Discover feed and artist pages — we’re so hyped that Concerts now have a place to call home inside the app.”