In this day and age, editing images are something usually left to a computer. Sure, people add filters to their mobile phone photos all the time, but we are talking about the more involved editing of images taken from a standalone camera.
Many of you likely already know, or have heard of, Lightroom Mobile, Adobe’s Creative Cloud-connected mobile app that allows for some surprising editing capabilities of your mobile phone images. But did you know that you can actually sync the images on your Lightroom Mobile devices with the collections that you have set up on your computer? In its latest video on the official Adobe Lightroom channel on YouTube, Benjamin Ward takes us through a 60-second coffee break to show you how to set it up.
It’s important to note that you do need to have an Adobe Creative Cloud account in order to take advantage of this functionality. But the process of getting it setup is simple enough. You simply log into your Adobe Creative Cloud account on both your computer and your mobile device, and then on the computer you select which collection(s) you want to sync. After that, you just wait for the files to sync from your computer to your mobile.
Depending on your connection speed this can be quick or it can take a while. In our experience when connected over Wi-Fi, home images transferred fairly quickly, but when relying on a 3G/4G connection the sync could take quite a bit longer depending on how many images are involved. The good news is that you don’t have to wait for all of the images to sync before getting started, you can actually work on them as they sync across.
Little-known tools like this are just examples of ways that Adobe is trying to help photographers save time and get more work done on the go. For more information about Adobe Lightroom or the Mobile Sync functionality, you can check out Adobe’s website.