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FindFace is a new facial recognition app that could end public privacy

Facial recognition can be a wonderful feature for platforms and devices: You can unlock your computer with it, automatically sort photos by who’s in them, and even swap your face with your dog in Snapchat. But what happens when facial recognition is so good that it almost completely eliminates the potential of anonymity in public?

That’s exactly the question being asked about FindFace, a new facial recognition app that uses profile photos of Russia’s leading social network to find the identity of anyone in a photo with a ridiculous 70-percent success rate.

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The key to the whole operation is the use of Russia’s Vkontakte social network in collaboration with a proprietary search algorithm developed by FindFace’s twenty-something co-founders, Alexander Kabakov and Artem Kukharenko.

Using profile photos of Vkontakte’s 200 million users, FindFace’s algorithm is able to search through a database of over one billion photographs in mere seconds, using only four standard servers. What users are given as a result is the closest match FindFace could detect and the ten closest matches after that. Strangely, in its video demo and marketing images, FindFace seems to focus only on women, which makes the app look like it could be used for nefarious purposes.


While the app is impressive in its own right, the app is nothing more than a teaser for what the FindFace backend is truly capable of achieving.

Already, the startup has been approached by the local Moscow government to work alongside the city’s 150,000 CCTV cameras to help identify criminals on-the-fly. Mugshots and other visuals would be imported into the database and using the FindFace’s algorithm, police would be able to track down a criminal in mere seconds using pinpoint accuracy.

In addition to government use, FindFace seems very interested in getting into retail and marketing.

“Kabakov imagines a world where cameras fix you looking at, say, a stereo in a shop, the retailer finds your identity, and then targets you with marketing for stereos in the subsequent days,” The Guardian reported.

It’s the epitome of targeted marketing, and so long as companies are willing to pay, Kabakov and Kukharenko seem ready to bite.

“In today’s world we are surrounded by gadgets,” Kabakov told The Guardian. “Our phones, televisions, fridges, everything around us is sending real-time information about us. Already we have full data on people’s movements, their interests and so on. A person should understand that in the modern world he is under the spotlight of technology. You just have to live with that.”

If you’re wondering when FindFace would aim for the much larger target of using Facebook and its 1.65 billion users as a database, don’t count on it being anytime soon, if ever.

According to FindFace’s founders, Facebook is far stricter on its privacy policies. This means the FindFace algorithm can’t access multiple profile images like it can with the less secure Vkontakte.

If you’re good with Russian, have a Vkontakte profile, and want to take the FindFace for a spin, you can download it in both the iOS App Store and Google Play Store.

Chinese firm working on facial recognition that can identify you under a mask
Person using cellphone with mask

Let’s say you live in a country where there’s been reports of massive outbreaks of a highly contagious viral infection. Hypothetically, let’s call this infection "coronavirus." To avoid spreading this "coronavirus," many people have taken to wearing medical face masks when going about their everyday life. These masks don’t do much, medically speaking, but it’s considered the polite thing to do.

Now, let’s also say that the government there is notorious for widespread and unregulated use of facial-recognition technology as a way to both fight crime and to identify and silence political dissidents.

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collage of facial recognition faces

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As reported first by CNET, Google and YouTube recently sent cease-and-desist letters to Clearview -- the controversial law enforcement facial recognition technology -- over its scraping of their sites for people’s information. Twitter sent one in January, while Facebook is said to be reviewing Clearview’s practices.

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Facial Recognition Composite

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This technology probably sounds like a great idea to two types of people: Law enforcement and creeps. Advocates worry this kind of facial-recognition technology could be a boon to stalkers, people with a history of domestic abuse, and anyone else who would want to find out everything about you for a nefarious purpose.

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