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How to take a long-exposure photograph

Blur can be either a frustrating flaw or an artful tool to illustrate motion within a still photograph. A long exposure turns blur into something positive, smoothing waves, creating light paintings, obliterating crowds, and making traffic actually look attractive.

Understanding long exposure opens up endless creative possibilities and, thankfully, isn’t terribly hard to learn. You’ll need a tripod, and, if you plan to take long-exposure photographs during the day, neutral density filters, along with your camera and lens.

Hillary Grigonis/Digital Trends

1. Anticipate the motion and set up a tripod.

Every photograph starts by planning out the composition. When working with a long exposure, the most important part of planning out what that photo will look like is to anticipate the motion. Any motion in the image will appear in a ghost-like streak. Anticipate where the motion will happen, so you can incorporate the blur in a creative way.

With the composition in mind, set up a tripod. Any motion becomes a blur in a long-exposure photograph, so if the camera moves, the entire photograph will become a blur. Make sure your tripod is steady; wind, even on a tripod, can introduce blur.

2. Set your shutter speed.

A long exposure needs a long shutter speed — but exactly how long? That depends on what you are photographing and how fast the motion is. A shutter speed of several seconds will turn wavy water into reflective glass and create light paintings from city traffic, whereas a speed of several minutes is required for capturing star trails in the night sky.

Long exposures often require experimentation to get the shutter speed just right, so estimate, shoot, then adjust slower for more blur or faster for less blur.

To set your shutter speed, make sure your camera is either in shutter priority mode or manual. Some cameras may also have a long-exposure scene mode, although shutter priority and manual exposure will give you the most control.

Note that cameras have limits on how slow the shutter can go. This is most often 30 seconds, but some cameras can go down to 15 minutes. Whatever the limit, you can bypass it by using “bulb” mode, where the shutter will stay open as long as you depress the shutter button, or will open with one press and close with a second.

There are also both first- and third-party remote timers that you can use to get longer shutter speeds.

Hillary Grigonis/Digital Trends

3. Balance the exposure.

If you are shooting during the day, using a slow shutter may push beyond your camera’s capabilities to compensate for a proper exposure. A sensor’s sensitivity (ISO) can only be lowered so far, and a lens’s aperture (f-stop) can only be decreased so much. (Read more about using manual exposure in our explainer.)

This is where you’ll need neutral density filters. Basically sunglasses for your camera, ND filters reduce the amount of light that enters through the lens, allowing for slower shutter speeds without exceeding the limits of aperture and ISO.

A few select cameras to offer build-in ND filters, but most cameras will need a screw-on glass filter. Fortunately, NDs are not particularly expensive.

4. Shoot.

With the tripod in place and the shutter speed set, the final step is to take the shot. But, even pushing the shutter release button can introduce camera shake and unintentional blur. For the sharpest results, use the auto timer and set it for a 2-second delay. Or, you can use the camera’s Bluetooth or Wi-Fi with a mobile app to remotely trigger the shot, if your camera has this feature (most cameras released in the past few years do).

Check your shot and make any necessary adjustments. Too bright? Shorten the shutter speed, lower the ISO, or add a neutral density filter. Too dark? Increase the ISO, use exposure compensation, or make the shutter speed even longer.

Hillary Grigonis/Digital Trends

Can you take a long exposure on a smartphone?

Technically, no, but you can take a photo that looks just like a long exposure. A smartphone camera’s design limits the device to shorter shutter speeds. Blending several photos together, however, will create similar blur. Apps like Slow Shutter Cam, Camera+ 2, and the mobile Lightroom app have this feature.

Hillary K. Grigonis
Hillary never planned on becoming a photographer—and then she was handed a camera at her first writing job and she's been…
How to take pictures of Christmas lights
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Photographing Christmas lights is almost as hard as hanging them while wearing oversized mittens and balancing on an icy metal ladder. Night photography is always difficult, and cold weather and flickering lights only add to the challenge. Before you head out to ooh and aww over the local light displays this year, learn how to take pictures of Christmas lights with the steps below.
What you’ll need
A camera and lens
For the most control and best results, a DSLR or mirrorless camera is the go-to tool for photographing Christmas lights, but a newer phone with a good night mode -- like the iPhone 11 Pro or Google Pixel 4 -- can get great results for more casual photographers. With an interchangeable lens camera, a lens with a bright aperture, like f/1.8, is recommended, but it's possible to photograph Christmas lights with a kit lens, too.

Smartphones won’t offer the detail and performance of a larger camera, but you can move beyond some of their limitations with an app that offers more control over the settings compared to the native camera app. Check out Camera+ 2, Halide, or Open Camera.
A tripod
Unless you’ve got a camera with a crazy good optical stabilization system -- like the Olympus OM-D EM1X -- a tripod is a huge help. While some scenes will be bright enough to shoot handheld, you’ll get sharper photos, less grain, and more creative options if you can steady your camera. You don't necessarily need one of the best tripods, but make sure what you get can safely support the weight of your camera and lens.
Cold weather gear
Be sure to protect yourself and your gear when photographing in cold weather. If the weather calls for snowfall, you’ll want to be working with a weather-sealed camera or use a rain cover or be sure to brush off any snow before it melts. Fingerless gloves or touchscreen gloves are also a favorite among photographers for keeping warm while still having access to all the camera controls.
Optional accessories
There are a few accessories that add an extra dash of magic to pictures of lights. A cross screen star point filter will turn each light into a starburst -- the effect can be overwhelming for some situations, but can work well if there aren't too many lights in the scene. Prisms can also be used create cool reflections, and the Lensbaby Omni system gives you a few different options for special effects.

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Further reading

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You don't have to spend an arm and a leg to take great pictures of the night sky. Yes, you'll get cleaner and sharper images using the best mirrorlerss cameras or DSLRs, but you don't need professional equipment to get good results -- heck, even some phones can shoot astrophotography. Whatever camera you're using, learning how to photograph stars is all about technique, and beyond changing a few settings in your camera, it's not too difficult.

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Step 1: Get the gear
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