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Adobe just made it easier to download Lightroom files from the cloud

adobe lightroom feb 13 update performance lifestyle laptop photo toning editing print
Now that Adobe Creative Cloud can store more than just Lightroom Smart Previews, the software giant is offering users an easy way to download Lightroom files from the cloud. Earlier this week, Adobe launched the Adobe Lightroom Downloader, software that grabs all those cloud-based files and saves them to the hard drive.

Adobe Lightroom’s Creative Cloud integration was previously only for Smart Previews, so you could start editing a shot on the computer and finish on your smartphone or tablet. With the launch of two separate programs, Lightroom Classic and Lightroom CC, The CC version can now also save the original version. While the cloud-based system has always allowed users to go in and download one file at a time, the system was lacking a way to download large quantities of images at once.

Adobe Lightroom Downloader is the company’s solution. After downloading the software and logging in to their CC account, Lightroom users can download their entire library at once. The library is downloaded as original files, and any edits are downloaded separately into an XMP file. When those images are imported into Lightroom, the originals will mix with the XMP to make those same non-destructive edits available.

The software will automatically organize the cloud photos into folders separated by the date the images were taken. Photographers using the new Lightroom CC have access to the original images, but using Classic, only the Smart Previews are saved to the cloud, which means only those files are available to download.

Adobe Lightroom Downloader is a free download available directly from Adobe. The program only downloads all backed-up photos (or Smart Previews) at once and requires enough hard drive space to accommodate those images.

The new program expands the use of the new Lightroom CC, making it easier for users to take advantage of the cloud storage with an easy way to download those photos in the event of data loss. Announced last month, Lightroom CC keeps the tools the same across Desktop and Mobile devices, with cloud-based backups of the original files. The Lightroom that photographers are familiar with then got the new name of Lightroom Classic.

Hillary K. Grigonis
Hillary never planned on becoming a photographer—and then she was handed a camera at her first writing job and she's been…
Apple files a patent for on-demand cloud gaming services
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Apple has filed a patent for a cloud gaming-type streaming service similar to Google Stadia, Xbox Game Pass, and PlayStation Now.

The patent filed in February was first spotted by Patently Apple and published internationally on August 14. It's called "Enabling Interactive Service for Cloud Rendering Gaming in 5G Systems."

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Lightroom running slow? Here’s how to speed it up without buying a new computer
Adobe Lightroom CC surface

Adobe Lightroom may be the RAW photo editor of choice among many photographers, but working with large quantities of big files means speed is often a chief complaint. Older computers, in particular, can suffer from slower imports and delays while editing. But, tweaking some settings can help Lightroom users eke out more speed, even on an older device.

Try these seven ways to speed up Lightroom Classic, as well as a few that apply to Lightroom CC as well.
Optimize your hardware
A major part of any software’s performance is the hardware that's running it. While updating to the latest-and-greatest computer, particularly one with four or more processing cores and a lot of RAM, will help Lightroom to run faster, you can likely squeeze a bit more performance out of your current computer by optimizing it or upgrading individual components.

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Productions is a new ‘command center’ for projects in Adobe Premiere Pro
A person sitting in front of a PC using Adobe Premiere Pro.

Adobe wants to simplify large-scale and team-based video projects with the latest version of Premiere Pro. Launching on April 14, Premiere Pro Productions is a new panel inside the video-editing software that organizes large projects while allowing team members to work simultaneously on a project without overwriting colleagues' efforts.

Originally teased in January, the new Productions panel can organize larger projects into segments, like scenes, reels, or acts. But the tool can also house more than one project, allowing multiple projects to be open at the same time and creating an easier way to grab assets from one project, like logos and title sequences, to use in another. Using a folder structure, video editors can organize the projects inside Premiere Pro.

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