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Facebook finally tightens up app discovery with its official App Center

Facebook App CenterWhen Facebook unveiled the Timeline and Open Graph at f8 last fall, it had formally announced its intentions to enter the app platform race. Now it’s tightening up those efforts by finally introducing an app store or catalogue of sorts, the App Center. Prior to this, you could find official Timeline apps on the Timeline page or use Facebook search — both of which were a sorry excuse for app discovery.

App discovery has been an incredibly lacking experience on Facebook. The site’s search function is frustrating to say the least, and the App Center is a much-needed addition – especially if it plans to sell itself as a platform worth developers’ time. Which is clearly does: the company’s blog posts and news announcements from the last six months are riddled with success stories touting the leverage of its app platform.

All things considered, then, the App Center should help to further this progress. According to the Facebook developer blog, “The App Center will become the new, central place to find great apps like Draw Something, Pinterest, Spotify, Battle Pirates, Viddy, and Bubble Witch Saga. Everything has an app detail page, which helps people see what makes an app unique and lets them install it before going to an app.”

Another necessary update: I need to know what exactly I’m installing before I install it. The all-too-brief explanation users currently get isn’t even the bare minimum of information I want before giving an app access to my Facebook account. This is what the app explanation currently looks like: 

Socialcam - before

And this is what it will look like: 

New app screen

Developers will now have the ability to create more thorough listing pages for their apps, and if an app is mobile only Facebook will direct users to the Google Play marketplace or iOS App Store.

It’s been a long time coming, and the App Center should start rolling out within the next few weeks. 

Molly McHugh
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Before coming to Digital Trends, Molly worked as a freelance writer, occasional photographer, and general technical lackey…
Facebook’s new controls offer more customization of your Feed
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Facebook isn't likely to stop recommending posts in your Feed anytime soon, but it is offering a few options for controlling the content you see there.

On Wednesday, Facebook parent company Meta announced that the social networking platform is offering two more ways to customize your feed: by selecting "Show more" or "Show less" on individual posts, and by adjusting new settings in Feed Preferences.

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When is the best time to post on Facebook?
A smartphone with the Facebook app icon on it all on a white marble background.

Knowing when to publish your Facebook posts to gain maximum exposure is important if you're trying to bring more attention to your brand or business. But figuring out the best timing can be a bit tricky as there's no real clear-cut answer that works for every Facebook page. And that's because the optimal timing for different Facebook pages will vary depending on the browsing/viewing habits of their respective audiences.

In the guide below, we'll answer a few of your questions about when to post on Facebook (generally), and we'll mention some ways to figure out the best publish times for your specific Facebook page.
Is it better to post in the morning or at night?

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TikTok is banning campaign fundraising on its app
A person's hand holding a phone with the TikTok app on it.

As we get closer to the U.S. midterm elections, TikTok and other social media platforms have been ramping up changes to their apps and their policies in an effort to curb misinformation and clean up other problems plaguing their platforms. And now, TikTok is issuing a few more changes to its policies that are specifically targeted at political party, politician, and government TikTok accounts. The biggest change? It plans to ban campaign fundraising on the app.

On Wednesday, TikTok published a blog post in which it announced a ban on campaign fundraising and mandatory verification for certain political accounts (in the U.S.).

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